The Regional Resource Centre for Asia and the Pacific at Asian Institute of Technology (AIT RRC.AP), with funding support from the United Nations Environment Programme – Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (UNEP ROAP), successfully concluded a five-day intensive training on Laboratory Operation for Methylmercury Analysis in Human Hair, Total Mercury Analysis in Human Hair and Skin Lightening Products, and Hydroquinone Analysis i... Read more..
On 28 November 2024, at the Biliran Province State University (BiPSU), the University President Dr. Victor C. Cañezo Jr. and AIT RRC.AP Director Dr. Guilberto Borongan, signed and formalized the MoU partnership to promote environmental sustainability in terms of research and assessment, innovation, and capacity-building initiatives in waste and resource management, as well as climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction.... Read more..
The 26th Intergovernmental Meeting (IG26) of the Acid Deposition Monitoring Network in East Asia (EANET) convened in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The AIT RRC.AP actively participated in IG26 and had the opportunity to present proposed project activities and the 2025 project plan within the framework of the EANET work program.
The 3rd RDRF aims to update disaster risk reduction and management offices (DRRMOs) on the national government's current disaster risk reduction and management efforts, particularly policies for local implementation. It also seeks to benchmark best practices from active NGOs dedicated to climate change adaptation and disaster resilience. Organized by Office of Civil Defense Region 8 (OCD 8), the forum commemorates the anniversary o... Read more..
AIT RRC.AP played an active role in the "Understanding Air Pollution and its Sources, Weather, Climate, and Topography in Malaysia: EANET National Stakeholder Awareness Workshop in Malaysia." A total of 65 individuals participated in the workshop
The ASEAN Conference on Combatting Plastic Pollution 2024 took place on October 28-29, 2024, at the DoubleTree by Hilton in Vientiane, Laos. This pivotal event brought together environmental experts, policymakers, and industry leaders under the theme "Action, Innovation, and Partnership to Phase Out Plastic Pollution." The conference aimed to encourage collaborative efforts to address the plastic pollution crisis, a signifi... Read more..
The AIT RRC.AP organized a “Seminar on the introduction to Adaptation Planning Tools" with Laoag City, The Philippines. This initiative aligned with Laoag City's long-term vision of transforming the city into a SMART City, where technology and innovation play vital roles in public safety, urban planning and sustainability.
The Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (APMCDRR) 2024 took place in Manila which is the main platform in Asia and the Pacific to monitor, review and enhance cooperation for the implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 at the regional level. AIT RRC.AP participated in this event in support of the MCR 2030 Activities.
A total of 17 officials and civilian personnel from the Office of Civil Defense Regional Office VIII (OCDRO-VIII) in Tacloban City, Philippines, visited AIT RRC.AP in three separate delegations. Read more..
The Waste and Resource Management Cluster organized a Training Workshop on Waste Management in ASEAN Cities from 23 to 25 September 2024. The Training Workshop on Waste Management in ASEAN Cities, funded under the GIZ ASEAN Municipal Solid Waste Management Enhancement (GIZ-AMUSE) and 3RproMar projects, was held at the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) in Thailand. The workshop brought together over 40 participants, including environ... Read more..
On August 16, 2024, the CaRMPAC Project, aimed at reducing marine plastic pollution in ASEAN cities, was officially launched at the Settha Palace Hotel in Vientiane, Lao PDR. This project, led by the Asian Institute of Technology- Regional Resource Centre for Asia and the Pacific (AIT RRC.AP) and funded by the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia Regional Knowledge Center for Marine Plastic Debris ... Read more..
On July 5, 2024, the Asian Institute of Technology, Regional Resource Center for Asia and the Pacific (AIT RRC.AP) and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit, ASEAN Municipal Solid Waste Management Enhancement (GIZ AMUSE) team successfully launched the first module of the AMUSE Training Program on Waste Management and Sustainable Tourism. The event attracted over 350 participants from across the ASEAN region, hi... Read more..
The “Regional Training Workshop on Developing Concept Notes for the Green Climate Fund: Strengthening Climate Resilience in Pacific Small Islands Developing States”, focusing on enhancing climate resilience in Pacific Small Island Developing States (PSIDS), was successfully concluded in Nadi, Fiji, from 17 to 21 June 2024. The five-day training programme was organised by the AIT RRC.AP with financial suppor... Read more..
The Asian Institute of Technology, Regional Resource Centre for Asia and the Pacific (AIT RRC.AP) conducted the Regional Training Workshop on National Adaptation Plan Development Process from June 11-13, 2024, at the Sukosol Hotel in Bangkok, Thailand. The workshop, which focused on strengthening capacity for multi-sectoral involvement in the NAP process in the Asia-Pacific region, was organized in collaboration with the United Nation... Read more..
AIT RRC.AP Climate Change Cluster, provided technical expertise and support to the GCF NDA Mongolia, in formulation of their national GCF Readiness Proposal by conducting a thorough review, provision of practical feedback, technical support and recommendations for revisions, updates and of the draft readiness proposal content focus and structure for its resubmission to the GCF.
On 30 May 2024, the ASEAN Municipal Solid Waste Management Enhancement (AMUSE) Workshop session on the Development of the ASEAN Digital Knowledge Platform on Waste Management in the Tourism Sector was held in Bangkok, Thailand. Representatives from the ASEAN Secretariat, AWGESC, relevant partner ministries of ASEAN Member States, NGOs, and AMUSE consultants, including DESMA Center from Indonesia, AIT RRC.AP, and Pimclick from Thailan... Read more..
The Secretariat for the Acid Deposition Monitoring Network in East Asia (EANET), in partnership with the Asian Institute of Technology – Regional Resource Centre for Asian and the Pacific (AIT RRC.AP), organised the project meeting on “Emissions Inventories and Source Apportionment of Air Pollution in Southeast Asia" on 29 May 2024 at UNCC, Bangkok, Thailand (hybrid mode).
The UNEP, ESCAP, and EANET jointly organised the “Unlocking and Future-Proofing Air Quality Management in Asia - a multi-stakeholder consultation workshop for improved multilateral and international cooperation on air pollution” from 27-29 May 2024 at UNCC, Bangkok, Thailand (hybrid mode).
The AIT RRC.AP hosted the 18th Summer School on Environmental and Natural Resource Economics. It provided the participants with the basic skills necessary to teach and conduct research on environmental and natural resource economics as well as to develop research proposals that can later be submitted to SANDEE for its research grant competition.
AIT RRC.AP participated in the Recycling & Recovery Expo 2024 at The TechnoBiz Expo 2024 at BITEC in Bangkok. The Centre shared insights and outcomes from its ongoing marine plastic prevention project in the Green Tech Conference session of the Expo.
AIT RRC.AP in partnership with EANET organised the meeting "Stocktaking and Methodological Assessment of Emissions Inventories and Source Apportionment of Air Pollution in Southeast Asia." The objective of the meeting was to better understand the emissions inventories and source apportionment situation in the countries of Southeast Asia.
The workshop was conducted to share the progress of the 3RproMar project implementation at the regional level, with a focus on the 3RproMar Knowledge Partnership for Marine Litter Prevention in ASEAN, provide a platform for disseminating achievements and good practices derived from the project's implementation at the national and local levels.
Experts and stakeholders gathered for the 5th ERIA's Experts Working Group on Marine Plastic Debris Meeting in Bangkok. A significant portion of the discussions revolved around the outcomes of the 3rd Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC3) and its implications for ASEAN member states.
AIT RRC.AP participated in the 4th Annual Gobeshona Global Conference titled "Bridging Science and Policy: AP-PLAT's practices on Locally-led Adaptation for Climate Resilient Asia-Pacific." The Centre presented its activities on locally led adaptation (LLA).
The Sustainable Development Goal 13 Round Table at the 11th Asia-Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development (APFSD) was fully participated by AIT RRC.AP. The Centre delivered a brief 4-minute reflection that aligned with the priority for climate action 6: "Guarantee access to information, climate-related decisions, and justice access."
Regional Resource Centre for Asia and the Pacific at the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT RRC.AP), with financial support from the Ministry of Environment, Japan (MoEJ) and in collaboration with UNDRR, UN-Habitat, IFRC, UCLG, ICLEI, ADPC and EPIC-NET, successfully conducted “The Regional Training Workshop on Building Cities’ Resilience to Climate and Disaster Risks” from 19th to 22nd February 2024 at Sukosol Hotel, Bangkok. This w... Read more..
The Centre actively participated and delivered presentations during the AP-PLAT Plenary Meeting and Capacity Development Regular Meeting that was attended by about 55 participants representing AP-PLAT partner organizations.
AIT RRC.AP participated at the 14th Advisory Group Meeting of the Asian Co-benefits Partnership (ACP) and provided an overview of RRC.AP's work across its three clusters: Air Pollution, Climate Change, and Waste and Resources Management.
A virtual seminar on how to use "Adaptwell" to analyse climate impact on waterborne diseases was conducted to explore the utilisation of the waterborne disease adaptation cost simulator.
On 2-8 December 2023, Dr. Guilberto Borongan and Dr. Ramesh Soysa of the AIT Regional Resource Centre for Asia and the Pacific (AIT RRC.AP) participated in the COP 28 side events and exhibition in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. AIT RRC.AP actively participated in COP 28 by showcasing and promoting through an exhibition booth, jointly organized with ICIMOD. The exhibition, held from December 4 to 6, 2023,... Read more..
A virtual mentoring session was held to support the development of a Green Climate Fund (GCF) concept note for Gorontalo, Sulawesi, Indonesia. The session, titled "Strengthening Climate Resilience Through Strategic Agriculture Zone in Gorontalo District: Transforming Food Crops, Coconut and Livestock Industries," aimed to guide the concept note team towards its fourth submission.
The AIT RRC.AP played a vital role in organising the "International Forum on Climate Change - Never Again Yolanda: Lessons Toward Resiliency" during the 2nd Regional Disaster Resilience Forum (RDRF) at the People's Center, Tacloban City, Philippines, which was organised in the 10th year commemoration of Super Typhoon Yolanda. In connection with this, RRC.AP has conducted the Adaptation Planning Tools and Green Climate F... Read more..
The AIT-team collaborated with FHI 360 to host the 3rd Meeting of the "Consortium for Air Quality Researchers of Nepal (CARN)" in Lalitpur, Nepal. This gathering aimed to foster better coordination and collaboration among the nation's air quality and atmospheric researchers. By facilitating timely exchange of science-based information, CARN ultimately hopes to influence policy-making and drive effective improveme... Read more..
A 2-day training workshop on "Air Quality Management with a focus on Air Quality Modeling" was held Nepal. The intensive workshop aimed to equip participants with the technical skills and knowledge necessary for air quality modeling and its application in managing Kathmandu Valley's air quality.
A one-day workshop titled "Air Quality Management with a focus on Air Quality Modeling" was held in Nepal. The workshop brought together 36 participants involved in the air quality management sector. The key outcomes of the workshop included sharing ongoing research, building collaboration, modeling practices, and future research partnerships.
The workshop was conducted as a part of the project undertaken by AIT RRC.AP to develop and disseminate technical guidelines for plastic and resin pellets leakage from recycling factories and informal recycling sectors in the ASEAN. The project is funded by the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) Regional Knowledge Centre for Marine Plastic Debris, (RKC-MPD) and its objective is aligned with the ASEAN regional ... Read more..
The Regional Resource Centre for Asia and the Pacific (RRC.AP) successfully hosted a seminar focused on the “Clean and Sustainable Environment in Changing Climate” on the morning of second day, 24th August 2023 of the AIT Sustainability Expo 2023. The seminar aimed to share knowledge and insights about RRC.AP's work program and activities, particularly in assisting countries across the region in their sustainability efforts. Ap... Read more..
The Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) successfully hosted the dynamic three-day Sustainability Expo from August 23 to 25, at the AIT Conference Center, reflecting an encouraging step forward in fostering environmental transformation and achieving its goal of becoming a net-zero campus by 2030. The Regional Resource Centre for Asia and the Pacific (RRC.AP) was an integral part of the AIT Sustainability EXPO showcasing its work throu... Read more..
The AIT RRC.AP organised an In-country Stakeholder Consultation and Expert Review Workshop in Nonthaburi. The hybrid workshop was part of the activities of the ongoing project which aimed to harness the experiences, perspectives, roles, and expertise of formal and informal recyclers to support the development and dissemination of technical guidelines to prevent or reduce plastic and resin pellet leakage from factories and the informa... Read more..
The AIT RRC.AP organised an In-country Stakeholder Consultation and Expert Review Workshop on 25 July 2023 in Pattaya City. The hybrid workshop was organised as part of the activities of the ongoing project which aimed to harness the experiences, perspectives, roles, and expertise of formal and informal recyclers to support the development and dissemination of technical guidelines to prevent or reduce plastic and resin pellet leakage... Read more..
The Training Workshop on Developing Concept Notes for the Green Climate Fund: Urban Climate Resilience in Indonesia was successfully conducted on 12 – 16 June 2023 in Jakarta, Indonesia. The 5-day national training program designed to empower the stakeholders to develop a high-quality concept notes aimed at securing climate finance, with a specific emphasis on the GCF. It consisted of lectures, group exercises, and presentations,... Read more..
The AIT RRC.AP conducted the Regional Training Workshop on National Adaptation Plan Development Process: Strengthening Capacity for Multi-sectoral Involvement in the NAP Process in Asia Pacific Region on 6 – 8 June 2023. Around 20 participants, representing governments and academic institutions from 10 countries in Asia-Pacific, together with representatives from the partner organisations, took part of this 3-day capacity-buildin... Read more..
AIT RRC.AP successfully organised the “Regional Training Workshop on Climate Adaptation Tools". The 3-day training workshop aimed to build a regional effort to understand and predict the local implications of climate change based on state-of-the-science climate modeling as well as translating climate projection results into innovative and results-driven interventions and practices on the ground. It was attended ... Read more..
AIT RRC.AP contributed as a panelist in the plenary session on the “Regional Cooperation to Air Quality" and shared Malé Declaration's brief history, achievements, progress, and future plan which was well received by the participants during the UNEP-Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC)'s clean air week at the UNCC, Bangkok, from 29 May 2023 to 1 June 2023. The CCAC brings together 79 state partners representing 50% of global s... Read more..
The AIT RRC.AP participated in the 2nd Regional Workshop Series: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle to Protect the Marine Environment and Coral Reefs" (3RproMar) at Bali, Indonesia on 22 May 2023. AIT RRC.AP presented the Know Waste Knowledge (KWK) Platform and its contribution to the project, during Session 1: Introduction of the 3RproMar Knowledge Partnership for Marine Litter Prevention in ASEAN.
On 15 May 2023 during the seventy-ninth session of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) at the United Nations Conference Centre in Bangkok, Dr. Guilberto Borongan, Director, Regional Resource Centre of Asia and the Pacific at the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT RRC.AP), participated and presented interventions and insights at a side event titled "Streamlining Nature-based Solutions to Enhance Mi... Read more..
AIT RRC.AP organised the Regional Training Workshop on Building Cities Resilience to Climate and Disaster Risks on 8 – 11 May 2023 in Sukosol Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand. The face-to-face event was conducted with financial support from the Ministry of Environment, Japan (MoEJ) and in collaboration with the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Offic... Read more..
AIT RRC.AP hosted a Webinar titled Accessing and using data and information for adaptation planning on 19 April 2023. The event was organised with financial support from the Ministry of Environment, Japan (MoEJ) and in collaboration with the National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan and HITACHI, Japan. Around 70 online participants from across the Asia and the Pacific region attended the live webinar which reflected on the e... Read more..
As part of the series of project activities aimed at supporting ASEAN cities with technical guidelines for preventing plastic and resin pellet losses from informal recycling factories, AIT RRCAP organized an In-country Stakeholder Consultation cum Expert Review Workshop in Vientiane on April 7, 2023. The workshop was co-chaired by Mr. Thevalack PHONEKEO, Deputy Director Department of Environment and Dr Guilberto Borongan, Direc... Read more..
An In-country Stakeholder Consultation cum Expert Review was organised by AIT RRC.AP which is aimed at harnessing the experiences, perspectives, roles, and expertise from the formal and informal recycling center to support the development and dissemination of technical guidelines to prevent or reduce plastics and resin pellets leakage from factories and informal recycling sector in the ASEAN.
AIT RRC.AP hosted a Webinar titled Making Cities Resilient 2030 (MCR2030): Capacity Building Models and Tools to Strengthen Cities' Resilience in Asia and the Pacific on 23 February 2023. The event was organised in collaboration with the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), the Local G... Read more..
The AIT RRC.AP accommodated the study trip representatives of Loyola University, New Orleans Campus, College of Business’ faculty coordinators and students on 3rd January 2023. Faculty Coordinator headed Dr. Mazhar Islam together with another faculty and over 20 students visited to learn about the activities of the Centre.
Dr. Guilberto Borongan, Director of AIT RRC.AP, briefed the representatives, starting with the ... Read more..
The AIT Regional Resource Centre for Asia and the Pacific (AIT RRC.AP) proposed to introduce a flood forecasting tool called ‘FloodS’, a tool developed by a Japanese private company ‘Hitachi’ under the support of the Ministry of Environment, Japan, in the region. The introduction of this tool is owing to the requirement of climate adaptation in the region to forecast the flood and their expected impact for appropriate adaptation s... Read more..
The Regional Resource Centre for Asia and the Pacific (RRC.AP) convened a virtual mentoring meeting with the National Committee for Sub-National Democratic Development Secretariat (NCCDS), Cambodia on 9 December 2022. NCCDS is working towards pursuing funding from the Green Climate Fund to support climate resilience-building activities in Cambodian communities.
The mentoring team included Dr. Keith Bettinger, climate chan... Read more..
The AIT Regional Resource Centre for Asia and the Pacific (AIT RRC.AP) organised a training programme titled “Organizing a Training Programme on National Mercury Monitoring” on December 6-8, 2022, at the AIT Conference Centre (AITCC). The training programme is the second in series of training programmes slated under the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) implemented Japan-funded project called “Project for promoting the Mina... Read more..
The Twenty-fourth Session of the Intergovernmental Meeting (IG24) of the Acid Deposition Monitoring Network in East Asia (EANET) was organised during 24-25 November 2022 (hybrid mode) in Manila, Philippines, to make important decisions on the implementation of its expansion of scope and newly established Project Fund, and other relevant matters. The meeting gathered over 70 representatives of the EANET participating countries, name... Read more..
The Twenty-second Session of the Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC22) of the Acid Deposition Monitoring Network in East Asia (EANET) was organised virtually from 18-20 October 2022. The meeting discussed acid deposition monitoring activities of the EANET in 2021 including project proposals submitted by NC and Participating Countries. Over 50 participants including the Scientific Advisory Committee members or their representatives f... Read more..
The fourth edition of the Youth Energy Academy in Asia was held from 10 – 16 October 2022 at the Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand. The programme convened 24 youth from seven countries in south and southeast Asia to equip them with skills to design and implement sustainable energy projects at the community level.
AIT RRC.AP successfully convened a webinar on climate finance inviting experts to discuss their experience in accessing finance for climate change adaptation and the necessity to work with the local actors to address the impacts of climate change while also noting the challenge in locally-led adaptation.The webinar formally started with the welcome address from Dr Guilberto Borongan, Director, RRC.AP followed by the opening remar... Read more..
The AIT Regional Resource Centre for Asia and the Pacific (AIT RRC.AP), with partners, organised a 5-day capacity-building workshop on air quality management during 19-23 September 2022 at AIT Conference Center. The workshop aimed to build the capacities of the countries for better management of air quality and to enhance the technical capabilities to support their national efforts for addressing air pollution issues.
Mor... Read more..
The Working Group Meeting of Acid Deposition Monitoring Network in East Asia (EANET) in 2022 (WG2022) was convened virtually from 24 to 25 August 2022. About 70 representatives from the EANET participating countries, namely, Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Japan, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Philippines, Republic of Korea, Russia, Thailand and Vietnam, as well as the Secretariat and Network Center for the EANET, gathered online ... Read more..
AIT RRC.AP in 2020 organised a webinar that introduced the concept of Nature-based Solutions (NbS) and its application including existing traditional ecological knowledge in NbS applications. On August 11, 2022, AIT RRC.AP in collaboration with organisations working in the NbS sector from Europe and Asia, organised the webinar that showcased a series of examples and insights from completed and ongoing activities.
AIT RRC.AP piloted a virtual training from 27 June – 21 July 2022, in a semi-self-paced format whereby participants were instructed to complete self-paced course modules, guided to work together with virtual collaboration tools (Miro and Slack), and convened during weekly virtual check-in calls to report and get feedback on progress. It was aimed to strengthen the know-how among officers involved in climate change adaptation project ... Read more..
The Working Group Meeting on drafting Think Piece (Vision Paper) and Agreement for Strengthening the Malé Declaration on Control and Prevention of Air Pollution and its Likely Transboundary Effect for South Asia (MD WG2022) was organised on 23 June 2022 on an online platform. The objective of the MD WG2022 was to discuss and brainstorm the vision of the Malé Declaration and review the draft of the Think Piece (Vision Paper) and the dr... Read more..
RRC.AP supported the EANET Secretariat in organising an awareness workshop on the “State of Acid Deposition in East Asia – From Data to Policy” on 20 June 2022 on an Online Platform. The objectives of the workshop were to increase public understanding on acid deposition issues, to share EANET achievements in the last 20 years, and to explore further generate collaboration ideas for future EANET Projects based on the PRSAD4 (4th Perio... Read more..
Following the AIT RRC.AP's responsibility in the region to assist climate change capacity building and research, as well as the development of appropriate adaptation plans and strategies, two days of virtual training on the S8 Downscaling tool, was held to help participants understand and manage the development of climate scenarios for their regions, particularly for those officials involved in the National Adaptation Planning ... Read more..
The virtual training on building cities’ resilience to climate and disaster risks was jointly organised by AIT-RRC.AP in consortium with the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI), the World Vision International (WV), and the Educational Partnerships for Innovation in Co... Read more..
The World Environment Day 2022 was celebrated at Asian Institute of Technology, Pathum Thani, Thailand on 2 June 2022. With its campaign, #OnlyOneEarth, this year’s World Environment Day focuses on 3 major themes: Climate, Nature, and Chemicals & Pollution. It calls for collective, transformative action on a global scale to celebrate, protect and resto... Read more..
The AIT-RRC.AP spearheaded the Virtual Kick-off cum Consultation for the ERIA project on development and dissemination of technical guidelines for plastics and resin pellets leakage prevention from factories and informal recycling sector in the ASEAN was convened on May 6, 2022. About 22 participants from relevant local city stakeholders/partners including City Government Officers (from Manila, Vientiane, and Pattaya City), associati... Read more..
The Third Global Waste Management Conference was held on 29-30 March 2022 in a virtual format with the theme “Advancing Towards Zero-Waste Cities “. The Malaysian Industry-Government Group for High Technology (MIGHT) and Confexhub Group of Malaysia organized the conference. Participants were from policymakers, international experts, and global industry practitioners to strategize, chart directions and craft-out new blue... Read more..
The post-YEA mentoring series was designed to steer the first stages towards developing and implementing the ideas of the Pico-Streamers team that leveraged their award of EUR 1000 during the YEA 2021, as sponsored by the Regional Programme Energy Security and Climate Change in Asia and the Pacific of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS-RECAP). The mentoring series comprised of four sessions, each of 60 – 90 minutes convened once a week... Read more..
The Sixteenth Session of the Intergovernmental Meeting of the Malé Declaration on Control and Prevention of Air Pollution and its Likely Transboundary Effect for South Asia (MD/IG16) was organized virtually on 12 January 2022. About 40 participants representing the National Focal Points (NFPs) and the National Implementing Agencies (NIAs) of the Malé Declaration member countries, namely, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Iran, Maldives, Nep... Read more..
The training on climate change downscaling using the S8 downscaler tool was convened by RRCAP in collaboration with Highland Research and Development Institute (HRDI) in Chiang Mai, Thailand from 8-9 December 2021. HRDI is a public-funded organisation, based in Chiangmai, mandated in promoting food security, poverty alleviation, and ecosystem health in mountain regions, currently covering 1,066 communities in 20 provinces of... Read more..
The Waste and Resource Management Cluster of AIT RRC.AP, together with the United Nations Office for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok (UNEP ROAP), UNIDO, IDEA Consultants Inc, Japan and conducted a 3-day virtual online training on Laboratory management for mercury survey and monitoring. The training is a part of the slated activities under the ongoing project “Promoting Minamata Convention on Mercury by making the most of Japan’s k... Read more..
The EANET 20th Anniversary celebration and the EANET Science and Policy Dialogue were organised back-to-back on 26 November 2021. The virtual event gathered over one hundred participants from 30 countries to discuss better air quality for all. The EANET’s 20th Anniversary celebration was organised to commemorate the significant milestones of the Acid Deposition Monitoring Network in East Asia (EANET) in its twenty years o... Read more..
The Regional Resource Centre for Asia and the Pacific in partnership with the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the Educational Partnerships for Innovation in Communities – Network (EPIC-N), and the World Vision International organised a Webinar on “Making Cities Resilient 2030 (MCR2030): Engaging Academia and Faith Actors to Strengthen Cities Resili... Read more..
The Twenty-third Session of the Intergovernmental Meeting on the Acid Deposition Monitoring Network in East Asia (IG23) was convened virtually from 24 to 25 November 2021 to make important decisions on the expansion of the scope of the EANET, among other topics. The event gathered over 70 representatives of the EANET participating countries, namely, Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Japan, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Philip... Read more..
The Twenty-first Session of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the Acid Deposition Monitoring Network in East Asia (SAC21) was organised virtually from 26-28 October 2021, to discuss scientific and technical matters related to the EANET activities. Over 60 members of the Scientific Advisory Committee and/or their representatives from the Participating Countries of the EANET joined the meeting. The Draft EANET Data Report 2020 was a... Read more..
After the success of two previous editions of the Youth Energy Academy (YEA), the AIT Regional Resource Centre for Asia and the Pacific (AIT RRC.AP) organized a third YEA in collaboration with the Sustainable Energy Youth Network (SEYN); Yunus Center AIT and Yunus Thailand; AIT Department of Energy, Environment, and Climate Change; and other partners. Thanks to the support from Konrad Adenauer Stiftung’s Regional Programme for Energy ... Read more..
The ASEAN Dissemination Workshop on the Substitution and the ESM of Mercury-containing Medical Measuring Devices was convened on 28 September 2021 by the Waste and Resource Management Cluster of RRC.AP. The workshop was a wrap up project activity of the Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF) project titled “Development of Capacity for the Substitution and the Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Mercury-containing Medical Measuring... Read more..
A virtual training workshop on the “Capacity Development Programme on Air Quality Management and Emission Reduction of PM2.5 for Asian Countries” was organised on 13-17 September 2021 by the Regional Resource Centre for Asia and the Pacific (RRC.AP). The workshop was aimed to build the capacities of the Asian countries for better management of air quality and to enhance the technical capabilities of the Asian countries to support the... Read more..
A webinar on “Nature-based Solutions for Climate Change Adaptation: from Concept to Implementation” was organised by RRC.AP to help identify opportunities for NbS in adaptation to climate change, particularly, having a common understanding and interpretation of NbS concepts and take advantage of existing traditional ecological knowledge in NbS application. It will provide experiences, and emerging priorities of key donors and imp... Read more..
The EANET Awareness Workshop in 2021 was organized virtually on 6 September 2021, in partnership with the Republic of Korea. The event gathered over 200 participants from 16 countries and focused its discussion on international cooperation on acid deposition and air pollution. The workshop was aimed at increasing public understanding of regional acid deposition issues while reflecting on the work achieved by the EANET in the last 20 ... Read more..
The Working Group Meeting in 2021 Session 2 for the EANET (WG2021-2) was convened virtually from 18-20 August 2021. Over 70 participants representing the EANET member countries, namely, Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Japan, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Philippines, Republic of Korea, Russia, Thailand and Vietnam, the Secretariat and Network Center for the EANET, gathered- together to discuss the process of the expansion of the ... Read more..
The three-day virtual training workshop on “Strengthening Cities Resilience to Climate and Disaster Risks” was convened from 23-25 June 2021 gathering participants from Bangladesh, China, Indonesia, India, Malaysia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. The online training workshop aimed to assist cities and local governments in building greater resilience to climate and disaster risks through integrati... Read more..
The RRC.AP made the initial presentation on the AIT-Centers’: Special Expertise and Projects on 17th June 2021 via Zoom meeting. The purpose of the presentation is to brief and advertise in the AIT Community and its partners the capabilities and expertise of the AIT Centers by presenting its areas of interest, services, and know-how. The presentation was a mixture of the Center introduction with focus on some special c... Read more..
The RRC.AP organized a virtual preliminary training on Developing Concept Notes for the GCF including via the SAP in virtual format over six days from 03 June to 01 July 2021 in collaboration with the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), and the SAP Team of the GCF Secretariat. The workshop gathered 13 participants from project teams in South Asia—namely Bhutan, Maldives, and Nepal— including officers involved i... Read more..
The RRC.AP with the support from the Green Climate Fund Secretariat convened a two-hour virtual mentoring session on “Accessing GCF’s Project Preparation Facility (PPF)”. Ms. Qu (Project Preparation Specialists, GCF) provided an overview of the PPF, including PPF delivery modalities (PPF Funding and PPF Service), the application process and documents needed, and the submission and approval process. The presentation also referred to a... Read more..
AIT RRCAP, together with the DENR Philippines and BanToxics conducted an inception workshop for the Philippines under the JAIF funded project “Development of Capacity for the Substitution and the Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Mercury-containing Medical Measuring Devices” in the Philippines on April 28, 2021. The inception workshop was conducted as a follow up activity to a successful project kick-off meeting held on ... Read more..
The Working Group Meeting in 2021 Session 1 for the EANET (WG2021-1) was convened, virtually, from 20-22 April 2021. Around 70 participants, including members from the EANET participating countries, namely Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Japan, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Philippines, Republic of Korea, Russia, Thailand, and Vietnam, joined the Session. The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Asia Cen... Read more..
The Malé Declaration on Control and Prevention of Air Pollution and Its Likely Transboundary Effects for South Asia (Malé Declaration) organized the Working Group Meeting on Drafting Strategy and Work Programme for Phase-VII (2021-2025) of the Malé Declaration (MD WG2021) on 8 April 2021 virtually. Nearly 30 participants representing the National Focal Points (NFPs) and the National Implementing Agencies (NIAs) of the eight memb... Read more..
On the April 7, 2021, AIT RRCAP, together with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) Philippines and BanToxics organized a one-day virtual kick-off meeting to mark the official takeoff of the JAIF funded project “Development of Capacity for the Substitution and the Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Mercury-containing Medical Measuring Devices” in Indonesia and the Philippines. The kickoff meeting was... Read more..
On 22-23 March 2021, the Second Global Waste Management Conference was held in a virtual format with the theme “Integrating People, Planet & Profit in Managing Waste and Resource Recovery.” The Malaysian Industry-Government Group for High Technology (MIGHT) and Confexhub Group of Malaysia organized the conference. Participants were from policy... Read more..
RRC.AP is a supporting partner of the Asia Pacific Adaptation Network (APAN) and contributed to the 7th APAN Forum held virtually on 8 – 12 March 2021. During the forum RRC.AP organised the two virtual sessions on following:
“Collaborating Efforts to Strengthening Cities Resilience to Climate and Disaster Risks”, This session focused on how to integrate Disaster Risk Resilience into national d... Read more..
The RRC.AP organized a session on “Adapting to Climate Change: Strengthening Urban Water Resilience” on 2 March 2021 during the Water Security and Climate Change Conference (WSCC). The conference that was held virtually from 1 to 4 March 2021 which provided a space for scientists, policymakers, and stakeholders from diverse sectors to share their knowledge and experience on water security issues with relation to climate vari... Read more..
RRC.AP is a member of the Asian Co-benefits Partnerships (ACP), coordinated by IGES. On 19 January 2021, Dr. R. L. Verma participated virtually in the 11th Advisory Committee Meeting of the ACP. The meeting discussed the concept note of the 2nd Phase of the ACP. During the discussion, Dr. Verma has introduced ongoing projects and initiatives with relevance to the Cobenefit Approaches. These projects and initiatives included the ... Read more..
The RRC.AP convened a virtual advanced training from 18-22 January 2021 on Developing Concept Notes for the Green Climate Fund (GCF) including via the Simplified Approval Process (SAP). The week-long event gathered 31 participants from seven countries in the region working towards accessin... Read more..
12 January 2021, the National Stakeholder Consultation Workshop of Mercury-Containing Medical Devices Management Project was organized by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Republic of Indonesia (MoEF), Ministry of Health, Republic of Indonesia (MoH), the Asian Institute of Technology Regional Resource Center for Asia and the Pacific (AIT RRC.AP) and the Basel and Stockholm Conventions Regional Centre for Southeast Asia (... Read more..