Advanced Training on Developing Concept Notes for the Green Climate Fund (GCF) Including via the Simplified Approval Process (SAP)
18-22 January 2021
Virtual Training
The RRC.AP convened a virtual advanced training from 18-22 January 2021 on Developing Concept Notes for the Green Climate Fund (GCF) including via the Simplified Approval Process (SAP). The week-long event gathered 31 participants from seven countries in the region working towards accessing the GCF for Climate Change Adaptation. Country teams included representatives from the respective National Designated Authorities (NDAs), Direct Access Entities (DAEs), Executing Entities, and other project stakeholders. Participants representing cities from Bangladesh, Indonesia, Maldives, and Nepal gathered to strengthen their knowledge on making their respective cities resilient to climate and disaster risks. The workshop included presentations on the MCR global campaign, UNDRR's ten essentials for making cities resilient, and tools including the disaster resilience scorecard for cities and the Quick Risk Estimation (QRE) tool. Participants from each country used the disaster resilience scorecards to assess their respective city and draft a safe and resilient city action plan. City teams presented their draft Action Plans and discussed objectives, an action plan to meet those objectives, indicators identified and set targets. Further the EPIC-N team introduced their model to the participants, its structure and operation modality and tasked attendees to identify all the stakeholders required to implement this model in their respective countries.