Regional Training on Flood Forecasting Tool for Climate Adaptation
13-14 December 2022
Pathumthani, Thailand
The RRC.AP proposed to introduce a flood forecasting tool called ‘FloodS’, a tool developed by a Japanese private company ‘Hitachi’ under the support of the Ministry of Environment, Japan, in the region. The introduction of this tool is owing to the requirement of climate adaptation in the region to forecast the flood and their expected impact for appropriate adaptation strategies as a part of a larger climate adaptation plan in the region.
The knowledge from the deployment of the tool will help countries in the implementation of an integrated climate-resilient flood risk management approach and improve their existing capacity in understanding the potential impacts of climate change on flooding and flood risk management and enhance the resilience of vulnerable communities. In addition, it will help to align adaptation measures with the impact of climate change on flood risk and flood risk management across sectors and wider Government policy. The introduction of this tool will involve advocacy through communication via emails for the respective country governments' focal and other relevant agencies working in the climate adaptation and water sector and then planning for training either virtual or face-to-face depending on the situation.
Since it is a newly developed tool, the Ministry of Environment, Japan, and Hitachi provided a training as a part of the training of the trainers (ToT) to the staff of RRC.AP to build their capacity, so that the team can train the people in the region. The training was led by Mr. Tomonori Orita, a climate change adaptation specialist from the Ministry of Environment, Japan, and Mr. Satoshi Yamaguchi from Hitachi. The training was conducted for one and half days, on December 13 and 14 attended by 11 RRC.AP staff. The training included an introduction to climate adaptation and the relevancy of the FloodS tool following the practical use of the tool depicting a real-time situation.