Kickoff Meeting for "JAIF Mercury-Containing Medical Devices Management Project in the Philippines

7 April 2021
Virtual Meeting

On the April 7, 2021, RRC.AP, together with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) Philippines and BanToxics organized a one-day virtual kick-off meeting to mark the official takeoff of the Japan ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF) funded project "Development of Capacity for the Substitution and the Environmentally Sound Management (ESM) of Mercury-containing Medical Measuring Devices" in Indonesia and the Philippines. The kickoff meeting was conducted to discuss the detailed project implementation plan and stakeholder engagement strategies of the project within in the Philippines. The event was well attended by over 30 participants representing various stakeholder from environment and health agencies as well as the trade and industry agency of the Philippines: and international consultant and local institutional consultant, the Joint Monitoring Team and the Ministry of Environment, Japan. The project activities, implementation plan and approach, and outputs were thoroughly discussed, and inputs were solicited from key project implementers.