​​​​Mentoring on Climate Change Adaptation Project Development with Cambodia’s National Committee for Sub-National Democratic Development Secretariat (NCCDS)

9 December 2022
Virtual Meeting

The AIT Regional Resource Centre for Asia and the Pacific (AIT RRC.AP)​ convened a virtual mentoring meeting with the National Committee for Sub-National Democratic Development Secretariat (NCCDS), Cambodia on 9 December 2022. NCCDS is working towards pursuing funding from the Green Climate Fund to support climate resilience-building activities in Cambodian communities.

The mentoring team included Dr. Keith Bettinger, climate change adaptation expert, Dr. Ramesh Soysa, AIT Alumnus with expertise in GCF Readiness Support, Dr. Guilberto Borongan, Director of AIT RRC.AP, and the climate change team of AIT RRC.AP. Four staff of NCCDS attended the meeting.

During the call, the NCCDS team provided an update on progress on a climate change adaptation concept note focused on supporting community resilience, following a series of activities, including during previous virtual training activities by RRC.AP, toward completing a draft concept note. Following a discussion on the climate rationale and theory of change of the draft concept note, expert feedback focused on strengthening and refining the project’s impact chain analysis and problem tree aspects to strengthen the concept note. NCCDS team will prepare to communicate the concept note to GCF in consultation with AIT RRC.AP.