Adapting to Climate Change: Strengthening Urban Water Resilience

2 March 2021
Virtual Conference

The RRC.AP organized a session on "Adapting to Climate Change: Strengthening Urban Water Resilience" on 2 March 2021 during the Water Security and Climate Change Conference (WSCC). The conference that was held virtually from 1 to 4 March 2021 which provided a space for scientists, policymakers, and stakeholders from diverse sectors to share their knowledge and experience on water security issues with relation to climate variability and change. During the session Panelists shared their research findings on water insecurity dynamics in slums of Dhaka, introduced the audience to the web-based interface for an urban flood warning system applied to the Bangkok area emphasizing the need to improve urban resilience to floods and some of the challenges in building urban water resilience in Asia and highlighting that the role of government is key to climate change adaptation, integrated disaster risk management, and water management.