Sustainable Development Goal 13 Round Table at the 11th Asia-Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development (APFSD)
22 February, 2024
Bangkok, Thailand
AIT RRC.AP participated in the Sustainable Development Goal 13 Round Table at the 11th Asia-Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development (APFSD), held at the United Nations Conference Center in Bangkok, on 22nd February 2024. Dr. Guilberto Borongan, Director of AIT RRC.AP delivered a brief 4-minute reflection that aligned with the priority for climate action 6 – "Guarantee access to information, climate-related decisions, and justice access" – His message discussed climate adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) activities that AIT RRC.AP was conducting in the region. He introduced the adaptation tools of FloodS and S8DS and highlighted the plethora of resources, tools, and exemplary practices available on the AP-PLAT platform, accessible to relevant stakeholders, including cities, at no cost. Additionally, Dr. Borongan introduced the upcoming e-learning courses currently under development, soon to be accessible on the AP-PLAT platform.