The Green Climate Fund (GCF) Mentoring National Readiness with Climate Change Research and Cooperation Centre (CCRCC) Mongolia
30 May 2024
Virtual Meeting
AIT RRC.AP Climate Change Cluster, provided technical expertise and support to the GCF NDA Mongolia, in formulation of their national GCF Readiness Proposal. Climate Change Research and Cooperation Centre (CCRCC), under the Ministry of Environment and Tourism, Mongolia has compiled a GCF Readiness Proposal on “Readiness for Operationalizing Article 6 and Setting Carbon Market Framework in Mongolia”. This online GCF readiness proposal has a summary of the activities related to the preparation, implementation and completion of the GCF draft Readiness Proposal. This draft readiness proposal was developed by the CCRCC, earlier was submitted to the GCF Readiness Team but has been returned by the GCF with advice to conduct a proper review and revisions to the draft proposal document before its re-submission. As a result, the AIT RRC.AP was requested to support CCRCC-Mongolia, via conducting a thorough review, and provision of practical feedback, technical support and recommendations for revisions, updates and of the draft readiness proposal content focus and structure for its resubmission to the GCF. AIT RRC.AP Climate Change’s GCF Mentoring Session provided value additions through a review, provision of feedback, recommendations for improvement, further revision of this draft proposal, relevant documentation and research materials.
The Mentoring Session was organized and convened online at 14.30 - 16.00 pm Bangkok time, on 30 May 2024. Recommendations were customized to address the main gaps identified by the GCF and the AIT RRC.AP staff in proposal Section 1: Summary; Section 2: Situation Analysis; Section 3: Logical Framework; Section 4: Theory of Change; Section 5: Budget, Procurement, Implementation, and Disbursement Plan; and Section 6: Implementation Arrangements and Other Information as well as in the proposed overall project design, adjusting the budget, and the proposed set of activities.