Advanced Training on Developing Concept Notes for the Green Climate Fund (GCF) Including via the Simplified Approval Process (SAP)​

27 June - 21 July 2022
Virtual Training

AIT RRC.AP piloted a virtual training from 27 June – 21 July 2022, in a semi-self-paced format whereby participants were instructed to complete self-paced course modules, guided to work together with virtual collaboration tools (Miro and Slack), and convened during weekly virtual check-in calls to report and get feedback on progress. It was aimed to strengthen the know-how among officers involved in climate change adaptation project design seeking climate finance, particularly from the GCF and including the SAP funding modality, to develop quality concept notes for submission and consideration. 

The training invited four climate change adaptation project design teams consisting of 17 participants seeking GCF funding from Cambodia, Maldives, Nepal, and the Philippines. Participating teams were envisioned to be comprised of up to seven staff including representatives of the respective National Designated Authority (NDA) and Accredited Entities (AEs) with special attention to Direct Access Entities (DAEs), including candidate or nominated DAEs. 

​The training proved to be of use for participating teams to further their understanding of the GCF concept note development process for designing high-quality concept notes. ​