​​​​Think Globally Fund Locally: Adaptive Finance to Strengthen Climate Change Adaptation

27 September 2022

AIT RRC.AP successfully convened a webinar on climate finance inviting experts to discuss their experience in accessing finance for climate change adaptation and the necessity to work with the local actors to address the impacts of climate change while also noting the challenge in locally-led adaptation.

The webinar formally started with the welcome address from Dr Guilberto Borongan, Director, RRC.AP followed by the opening remarks from Ms. Yuko Yoshida, Deputy Director of the Climate Change Adaptation Office, Ministry of the Environment Japan (MoEJ). 

Ms. May Thazin Aung, Climate Finance Researcher, International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), through her keynote presentation informed the audience about the locally-led adaptation principles that were launched in January 2021 at the Climate Adaptation Summit. The keynote was followed by a panel discussion with climate adaptation experts from Save the Children and the Thailand Environment Institute on their experiences to support community-led adaptation. Drawing on research, previous and ongoing projects in Asia and the Pacific as well as in Africa the discussion sheds light on examples, challenges, and good practices to bridge access to finance via capacity building, flexible financing, managing climate change adaptation projects, and collaboration for co-finance and co-benefits. 

The 90 minutes long webinar was hosted on 27 September 2022 and was attended by 86 participants from 21 countries. ​