​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Online Seminar on How to Use Webtool, “Adaptwell” to Analyse Climate Impact on Waterborne Diseases

  11 January, 2024


AIT RRC.AP supported and presented in a virtual seminar on how to use “Adaptwell”, a tool to analyse climate impact on waterborne diseases on 11th January 2024 from 14.00 – 16.00 (UTC +7.00). Dr. Ramesh Soysa, the Head of the Climate Change Cluster of the AIT RRC.AP, presented during the seminar titled “Co-working Adaptation Tools”. In his talk, he revealed a brief description of the e-learning video courses that is accessible on the AP-PLAT website. Around 46 participants, including government officials and researchers in climate change adaptation and waterborne diseases participated in the seminar. This seminar was co-organised by the Ministry of the Environment, Government of Japan (MoEJ), the University of Tokyo and the Pacific Consultants Co., Ltd.
