​​The 3rd Regional Workshop Series: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle to Protect the Marine Environment and Coral Reefs (3RproMar

  19-22 March, 2024

     Iloilo City, Philippines​

The 3rd Regional Workshop of the ASEAN-German Project ‘Reduce, Reuse, Recycle to Protect the Marine Environment and Coral Reefs’ (3RproMar) was held from 19 to 22 March 2024 in Iloilo City, Philippines with the theme “From Knowledge to Action: Facilitating Concrete Efforts for Enhanced Land-Based Marine Litter Prevention in ASEAN”. The Workshop was conducted to share the progress of the 3RproMar project implementation at the regional level, with a focus on the 3RproMar Knowledge Partnership for Marine Litter Prevention in ASEAN; provide a platform for disseminating achievements and good practices derived from the project’s implementation at the national and local levels. The workshop aimed at facilitating analysis of EPR, behavior change, microplastics, and just transition, and identifying with ASEAN Working Groups inclusive regional interventions in reducing plastic waste leakage into the sea, aligned with the ASEAN RAP for Combating Marine Debris and the upcoming internationally, Legally Binding Instruments (ILBI).


AIT RRC.AP ​ actively engaged in all sessions, as discussants and panelists in the session “Regional Knowledge Hub for Marine Litter Prevention in ASEAN: Advancing Collaborative Efforts” parallel sessions “Transitioning from Raising Awareness to Influencing Behavioral Change: Introduction to Behavioral Change Design Toolbox for ASEAN.” The Centre shared insights on knowledge management and behavioral change technical discussions based on experiences from the ongoing Marine Plastic Prevention Knowledge Partnership under the 3RproMar project. The center also participated in the field visits to Guimaras Island to exchange insights on sustainable plastic waste management practices for islands and some Barangays in Iloilo to observe plastic recycling initiatives funded by GIZ and best practices in plastic waste management.