
  • 2024
  • 2023

    • Air quality trends in coastal industrial clusters of Tamil Nadu, India: A comparison with major Indian cities

      India developed several industrial clusters nationwide, including in the state of Tamil Nadu to boost manufacturing. Three coastal cities, namely, Thoothukudi, Cuddalore, and Manali are developed as industrial clusters in Tamil Nadu. For the first time, we documented air quality trends in these industrial cluster cities of Tamil Nadu and compared them with those in Indian major cities, namely, Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, and Chennai. Between 2015-2020, data on key air quality parameters, such as pa - Read more...

    • Air quality management status and needs of countries in South Asia and Southeast Asia

      Countries in South Asia and Southeast Asia are experiencing severe air pollution problems. Most countries lack technical capabilities and adequate air quality management (AQM) infrastructure. A capacity building workshop on AQM was organised from 19–23 September 2022 for countries in South Asia and Southeast Asia. A total of 17 countries (eight in South Asia and nine in Southeast Asia) participated in the workshop. Each country was invited to present on available AQM infrastructure, including ch - Read more...

  • 2022
  • 2021
  • 2020

    • Capacity Mapping for Monitoring and Assessment of Plastic Pollution in the Lower Mekong

      This report presents findings of capacity-mapping study on the monitoring and assessment of plastic pollution in the Lower Mekong Region. The study was conducted as part of the UN Environment Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific's project titled the *Promotion of ConterMEASUREs against Marine Plastic Litter in Southeast Asia and India" (hereafter, referred to as * ConterMEASURE project"). The CounterMEASURE project aims to develop a region-based approach for the monitoring and assessment of - Read more...

  • 2019

    • Summary of ASEAN Meeting on Soot-free Transport

      The “Summary Report of the ASEAN Member States Meeting on Soot-Free Transport” sponsored by the Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) Heavy-Duty Vehicles Initiative (HDVI) was developed by the Regional Resource Centre for Asia and the Pacific, Asian Institute of Technology and was published at the CCAC website in April 2019, This work is the outcome of a meeting that was organized with sen - Read more...

  • 2018

    • Best Available Techniques for preventing and controlling industrial pollution

      The Best Available Techniques (BAT) concept has emerged as a key policy tool to prevent and control industrial emissions, thus ensuring a high level of environmental and human health protection. BAT and similar concepts constitute essential elements for setting emission limit values and other permit conditions for industrial emissions in many countries around the world. - Read more...

    • Words into Action- Guidelines Implementation Guide for Addressing Water-Related Disasters and Transboundary Cooperation

      RRCAP is a contributing author to the publication “Words into Action- Guidelines Implementation Guide for Addressing Water-Related Disasters and Transboundary Cooperation” - that was just officially launched. RRCAP’s climate change cluster contributed in two chapters: Developing strategies to reduce risk; and a Section on Capacity Development under Responsibilities and stakeholders’ chapter. - Read more...

    • Emission of Air Pollutants and Greenhouse Gases in Nepal

      Estimations of the emissions of air pollutants and greenhouse gases (GHG) of Asian country was done as a part of the activities of the Atmospheric Brown Cloud (ABC) Programme of AIT RRC.AP. ABC Programme has been supported by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida). The estimation of emissions of air pollutants and GHG in Nepal was done by Prof. Ram M. Shrestha who authored a book “Emissions of Air Pollutants and Greenhouse Gases in Nepal”. The book is published by Region - Read more...

    • Guidance to Fuel Importing Countries for Reducing On-Road Fuel Sulfur Levels, Improving Vehicle Emissions Standards

      The “Guidance to Fuel Importing Countries for Reducing On-Road Fuel Sulfur Levels, Improving Vehicle Emissions Standards” was published in December 2018 as an agreement between the AIT and UN Environment. The overall objective is to support the implementation of the Climate and Clean Air Coalition’s (CCAC) Global Strategy to introduce Low Sulfur Fuels and Cleaner Diesel Vehicles (or Global Strategy). This guidance document addresses the implementation of cleaner fuels and vehicle emission standa - Read more...

  • 2017

    • Regional Study on Mercury Waste Management in ASEAN Countries

      The scoping study serves as a preliminary assessment of the current mercury waste management systems and practices in the ASEAN member states (AMS). It is aimed at identifying the current available sources of the relevant information, summarizing the essential information, and identifying gaps of information, challenges, needs and opportunities for further studies or actions. This study covers all AMS jurisdictions, while sector-wise, it focuses on Mercury in the Artisanal and Small-scale Gold M - Read more...

    • Asia Waste Management

      The Asia Waste Management Outlook (AWMO) provides an overview of the challenges and opportunities in waste management in the context of Asia. The AWMO is not intended to be a directory of wasterelated data or statistics; rather, it is intended to provide a perspective with prescriptions for a variety of stakeholders to encourage early action. It is also intended to provide an overview of the current status, current cutting-edge thinking, and the future of solid waste management in Asia over the - Read more...

    • Summary report: Waste Management in ASEAN countries

      This summary report examines the waste management landscape in 10 Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Member States. This report begins with the statistics on the trends of population growth, urbanization, and economic growth in each of the ASEAN countries, which is then followed by an overview of the waste generation, collection, treatment & recovery, and disposal statistics, and associated environmental, technical, and governance (institutions, policy, regulations) factors in the wa - Read more...

    • Ulaanbaatar Waste Management Improvement Strategy and Action Plan 2017-2030

      he UWMISAP is divided into five chapters. The first chapter provides a background for the need for a city waste management strategy for Ulaanbaatar and outlines the process of developing a strategy and action plan. The existing situation of Ulaanbaatar’s solid waste generation as well as waste handling and legal framework are discussed in Chapter 2. Based on the baseline information provided in Chapter 2, a list of strategies to fill existing gaps and tap potential opportunities is described in - Read more...

    • Mongolia National Waste Management Improvement Strategy and Action Plan 2017-2030

      The NWMISAP is arranged into five chapters. The first chapter provides the background for the need of a waste management strategy, the existing situation of waste management in Mongolia and the current policy and legal framework. Chapter Two describes the strategy development process. Based on this baseline information, a list of strategies to fill the existing gaps and tap the potential opportunities are laid out in the third chapter. Translating these strategic objectives into actions is prese - Read more...

    • The Next Wave, Investment Strategies for Plastic Free Seas

      An estimated 150 million metric tons of plastic waste are in the ocean today, and every year an estimated 8 million metric tons more are being added [1]. With oil prices at an all-time low, coupled with growing population levels and economic prosperity, plastic production and consumption are predicted to double over the coming decade. Without immediate intervention, 250 million metric tons of plastic waste could be in the ocean in fewer than 10 years. - Read more...

  • 2016

    • Male' Newsletter, Volume 10 Issue 1

      IN THIS ISSUE:STRENGTHENING MALÉ DECLARATION THROUGHPHASE V (2014-2016) IMPLEMENTATION-Fourteenth Session of the Intergovernmental Meeting-Fourth Meeting of the Task Force for Future Development-Fifth Meeting of the Task Force for Future Development-First Meeting of the Expert Group on Strengthening the -Framework-National Stakeholders Workshop on Health Impact Assessment of Air Pollution - Read more...

    • Making the Climate Change Argument: Knowledge Series 2

      This publication has been created to help potential project developers overcome these challenges. It does so by providing a compilation of tips and tricks to strengthen climate change project proposals to be submitted to international or national financial institutions. These insights have been drawn from experiences of experts and practitioners who have successfully designed and implemented numerous climate change projects around the world. - Read more...

    • Climate Change Mitigation Funding : Knowledge Series #1

      This Beginner’s Guide to the Climate Change Mitigation Funding has been designed for a multitude of stakeholders wishing to contribute to combatting climate change, while taking advantage of the emerging technologies; profiting from energy and resource-efficient approaches, and testing ingenuous ideas. Securing adequate funding is often a first and crucial step on this path. - Read more...

  • 2015
  • 2014

    • Keeping Track of our changing environment in Asia and the Pacific

      Keeping Track of Our Changing Environment in Asia and the Pacific was conceived to illustrate how the region has changed in two decades since decision-makers met at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in Rio De Janeiro in 1992. To convey this information in a compelling and succinct manner, environmental and related socio-economic trends are charted and presented using globally, regionally and nationally-aggregated data sets collected by international agencies, research - Read more...

    • Building Climate Resilience: A training Manual for Coomunity Based Climate Chage Adaptation

      The writing of “Building Climate Resilience: A Training Manual for Community Based Climate Change Adaptation” was inspired a few years ago during a climate change adaptation symposium in Thailand, where much of the discussion behind the stage was over a lack of a clear adaptation mindset in rural development initiatives. Many institutions were posing actions that, seemingly, only held the tag climate change adaptation, and lack a clear focus on adapting to climate related hazards. Rather, action - Read more...

  • 2013

    • Malé Declaration 1998-2013: a Synthesis-Progress and Opportunities

      The Malé Declaration 1998-2013: a Synthesis-Progress and Opportunities highlighted the achievements and results, challenges and opportunities and futures steps on the implementation of the Malé Declaration. Works under the Malé Declaration provide an operational platform for gathering and disseminating reliable information on regional air pollution as a basis for envisaged policy development. The synthesis report presents the achievement of the Malé Declaration in areas as diverse as emission in - Read more...

    • Standard Operating Procedures (SOP): Manual for Wet and Dry Deposition Monitoring

      This SOP manual has been written to ensure standardization in data collection and handling. This is important as the Malé Declaration Network has eight member nations all with different levels of expertise and capacity. The SOP manual will also ensure QA/QC in the acidic deposition monitoring programme so that it can yield high quality data that are robust enough for policy making. - Read more...

    • Atmospheric Brown Clouds - Emission Inventory Manual

      ABC Emission Inventory Manual (ABC-EIM) discussed the methodology for compilation of emissions of major pollutants from various sectors. ABC-EIM is accompanied with an Excel-based workbook, which can be used for compilation and estimation of emissions of the ABCs precursors. ABC EIM has been developed after reviewing the structure and content of other major emission inventories.The ABC-EIM has added emphasis on open biomass burning emissions. This manual presents methods for temporal and spatial - Read more...

    • Completion Report : Results from Three Years of Implementation of the Adaptation Knowledge Platform

      This report describes AKP’s activities and outcomes through 2012, including the key findings from research projects. It identifies what worked best, and where AKP fell short, and tries to explain why. And it offers a vision for continuing AKP’s work through 2016. - Read more...

    • Linking Adaptation and Mitigation through Community Forestry: Case Studies from Asia

      Given the significant role of forests in local livelihoods (Angelsen, 2011; Chao, 2012), understanding the relationship between mitigation and adaptation activities and forest-based communities is vital. Failure to consider mitigation and adaptation in the context of forests and forest based communities may result in an undermining of sustainable forestry practices and a loss of rights and livelihoods among vulnerable communities. Exploring the role of forests for mitigation, adaptation, and liv - Read more...

  • 2012

    • Data Analysis Report 2012

      The monitoring results of 2009-11 have been discussed in the Data Analysis Report 2012. The eight countries participating in the Malé Declaration programme were required to carry out both wet and dry deposition monitoring. Dry deposition was monitored using two methods, viz. by using PM10 samplers (for PM10, SO2 and NO2) and using Diffusive samplers (for SO2, NO2 and O3). Wet deposition was monitored using Wet (Wet) and Wet (Bulk) samplers for pH, Ec, NH4+, Na+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, SO42-, Cl- and NO - Read more...

    • Health Care Waste Management Proceedings Report 2012

      Solid and Hazardous waste is increasingly becoming a major environmental burden of most urban and industrial areas. An alarming rate of solid and hazardous waste arising in Asia and the world has been witnessed parallel to urbanization, industrialization and economic development. Issues such as the increase in volume, variety of soid wastes, their qualitative diversification, and the trans-boundary movement of hazardous materials and soaring prices of resources now bound. The Thematic Working Gr - Read more...

    • Determinants and Effectiveness of Local-Level Adaptation to Climate Change: Case Studies of Two Initiatives in Bangladesh

      Bangladesh ministries, including the ministries of agriculture, environment and forest, water, health, rural development, food and disaster management, children and women affairs, relevant departments and NGOs have been implementing a number of local level adaptation (LLA) projects with their limited resources and capacity in response to the National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) and the Bangladesh Climate Change Strategies and Action Plan (BCCSAP). - Read more...

    • Policy Research Brief No 4:Institutional Responses to Local-Level Climate Change Adaptation in Nepal

      Nepal, a Least Developed Country, is considered to be one of the countries most vulnerable to climate change impacts due to various factors such as its rugged mountain topography, acute poverty, especially in rural areas, and weak national and local institutional capacity. Many communities in Nepal, particularly those inhabiting mid-hill and high mountains, already live in very poor conditions. Even a small change in climatic conditions adversely affects their lives and livelihoods.Governments a - Read more...

    • Scoping Assessment on Climate Change Adaptation in the Philippines

      Policy-wise, the Philippines has been responsive to the challenges of climate change with the governmentenacting a number of national policies underlining the necessity to undertake climate-related actions.Examples include the Climate Change Act of 2009 or RA 9729, the National Framework Strategy onClimate Change, and the National Climate Change Action Plan. The Philippines has also passed RA 10121or the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Law, which afirms and creates an enablingenv - Read more...

    • Governance of Adaptation: Policy Research Brief No 3

      There are four key messages. First, how decisions are made about adaptation is important for legitimacy,and ultimately, for who benefits from, and who is burdened by, interventions. Second, equitable and fair outcomes are more likely when participation isinclusive and deliberations open and well-informed. Third how well decisions are acted upon depends on knowledge, coordination,leadership, resources and monitoring.Fourth, significant uncertainties about impacts of climate change and theeffects - Read more...

    • Synthesis Report 2nd Asia-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Forum - Mainstreaming Adaptation in Development: Adaptation in Action

      The Second Asia-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Forum was held at the United Nations Conference Center in Bangkok on March 12 and 13, 2012. The two-day program was built around four plenary and 25 panel sessions. The main body of the report is organized according to the program with sections on each of these sessions summarizing key statements and arguments made by speakers and participants. In the executive summary, these have been synthesized and grouped into four clusters: practice, governa - Read more...

    • Annual Progress Report 2011 - Progress of AIT-UNEP Regional Resource Centre for Asia and the Pacific (RRC.AP) from January to December 2011

      The year 2011 saw Regional Climate Change Adaptation Knowledge Platform for Asia (AKP) come into its own in the region and beyond. In the first year of its existence, it established a firm foundation from which to propel its work. By the end of the year, it had moved closer toward its goal by getting the focal countries to take cognizance of the need to mainstream adaptation into development planning in the Asia-Pacific region. For instance, several of the most significant change stories in this - Read more...

  • 2011

    • Analysis of options for the environmentally sound management of surplus mercury in Asia and the Pacific

      Mercury is recognized as a toxic substance that poses a serious threat to human health and the environment. Nevertheless, large quantities are still used for the manufacture of products and in industrial processes. For the Asia Pacific region, more specifically East-, Southeast and South Asia, the total demand in 2005 was around 2,100-2,700 t according to a study by Concorde from 2009.1 In the near future fluctuations in these figures are expected. Demand for mercury for the production of vinyl - Read more...

    • First Roll Out of C2P2 Stoves in 5000 Homes: C2P2_McQuown5000

      The primary goal of C2P2 is to evaluate if rewarding women directly with micro-funds generated from carbon markets for using improved stoves and solar lighting will significantly enhance women’s ability to sustain adoption of these energy efficient technologies. The secondary goal of the project is to develop a source of revenue from the carbon market that is sufficient to make this micro-payment model self-sustaining and scalable. In order to develop this sustainable model, we have developed a - Read more...

    • Soft Approaches for Achieving Benefits from Black Carbon Emissions Reduction - Summary of a Consultation Workshop

      A decade ago UNEP grew increasingly concerned about the impacts of atmospheric haze and launched a programme called Atmospheric Brown Cloud (ABC) in 2001. Successful efforts of the ABC team developed deeper understanding about the sources and effects of haze and black carbon. Over time, UNEP and others realized that knowledge generated through such programmes ultimately needed to be translated into action to mitigate black carbon emissions. Since the sources of most black carbon emissions are ti - Read more...

    • Policy Research Brief No. 2: Adaptation Knowledge

      This policy brief reflects on the role of knowledge in the adaptation to climate change. It is not meant to be prescriptive but rather to provoke critical thinking about how information is mobilized, collated and disseminated in support of adaptation. There are four key messages. First, knowledge important to adaptation can come from sources such as science and practice, as well as experience, customs and traditions. Second, knowledge-action gaps arise not only because needed knowledge is missin - Read more...

    • Scoping Assessment on Climate Change Adaptation in the Malaysia

      This Scoping Assessment draws on work in progress related to the Adaptation Knowledge Platform to disseminate and exchange adaptation knowledge with a wider audience. We thank the countless institutions, organizations,and individuals that have provided key inputs and their insights. The reportgreatly benefited from comments and suggestions to report the state of climate change adaptation in Malaysia. - Read more...

    • Desktop Study on Assessment of Capacity Gaps and Needs of South East Asia Countries in Addressing Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Variability and Climate Change

      This desktop study was conducted as a joint effort between the Southeast Asia Network of Climate Change Focal Points (SEA-CC Net) and the Regional Climate Change Adaptation Knowledge Platform for Asia (Adaptation Knowledge Platform) to meet the key ASEAN member countries’ needs to review and analyze existing studies on national and regional vulnerabilities as one of the first priority for informed decision making. The overarching objectives of this study are to share up-to-date information on me - Read more...

    • Workshop Proceedings Report: South Asia Media Workshop on Adaptation to Climate Change

      Twenty-four media representatives from the South Asian countries of Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka called for better understanding on the science behind climate change and increased attention on adaptation to climate change. The journalists had an opportunity to network and enhance their knowledge of regional climate change issues at the three-day South Asia Media Workshop on Adaptation to Climate Change, held in Dhulikhel and Kathmandu from 18 to 20 May. - Read more...

    • Scoping Mission and Preliminary Assessment on Climate Change Adaptation in Sri Lanka

      The Adaptation Knowledge Platform is working toward building bridges between current knowledge on adaptation to climate change and various stakeholders. Activities have been initiated in the five pilot countries, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Nepal, Thailand and Viet Nam, with local partners mobilized and key knowledge and capacity gaps identified. The management arrangements for the long-term development of the Platform in the pilot countries are in place. To move the Platform ahead, AIT-UNEP RCCAKP al - Read more...

    • Practitioners and Policymakers' Exchange on Climate Change Adaptation in Agriculture - Frequently Asked Questions Book

      Climate change induced increases in temperature and the variability of rainfall and extreme weather events are projected to influence the occurrence of crop failures, pest and disease outbreaks, and the degradation of land and water resources. These impacts are likely to affect developing countries in South and Southeast Asia especially hard, as they push to expand their agricultural production to support growing populations and pursue income from export markets. By adapting agricultural systems - Read more...

    • Factors of choice, effectiveness, and supporting systems

      This paper is part of a broader study entitled ‘Climate Change: Finding the appropriate response’ that draws on a continuation of work in progress related to the Adaptation Knowledge Platform to disseminate and exchange adaptation knowledge with a wideraudience. We thank the local stakeholders, institutions, and organizations that have engaged in the participatory research process conducted in Cambodia. - Read more...

    • Reserach: Events, Strategies, and Drivers

      his research methodology is part of a broader study entitled ‘Climate Change: Findingthe appropriate response’ that draws on a continuation of work in progress related to the Adaptation Knowledge Platform to disseminate and exchange adaptation knowledge with a wider audience. We thank the local stakeholders, institutions, andorganizations that have engaged in the participatory research process conducted in Cambodia - Read more...

    • Synthesis Report: Adaptation Knowledge Management Workshop - Harnessing Adaptation Knolwedge in the Asia Pacific Region

      The web portal ‘Climate Change Adaptation in Asia and the Pacific’ was launched as a collaborative effort amongst the Adaptation Knowledge Platform, APAN, the United Nations Development Programme’s Adaptation Learning Mechanism and the Stockholm Environment Institute’s WeADAPT. Noted amongst these partners has been the proliferation of knowledge management initiatives, yet many lack collaboration between the producers and users of adaptation knowledge. In response, the Adaptation Knowledge Manag - Read more...

  • 2010

    • ​Near-real- time observations of Atmospheric Brown Cloud transport to high Himalayas by Nepal Climate Observatory – Pyramid, 5079 m

      The Nepal Climate Observatory - Pyramid (Nepal, 27.95N, 86.82E, 5079 m a.s.l.) has been installed in February 2006 in the high Khumbu Valley, above the timber line in a rocky and mossy environment not far from the base camp area of Mt. Everest. The Observatory is running in the framework of theAtmospheric Brown Clouds Project (ABC) of UNEP, and is part of AERONET network and WMO-GAW program. Since 2010 NCO-P is a global GAW station. The instrument set-up was defined in accordance with “ABC” Proj - Read more...

    • Air Pollution - Promoting Regional Cooperation

      The book provides insight into the scientific and technical aspects of multilateral cooperation and negotiations as well as guidance on practical science-based development of regional environmental law with the aim of assisting negotiations. It also highlights the achievements of existing conventions, protocols and agreements and offers guidance on how to adapt this experience and tailor it to specific regional circumstances and underlines the links between air pollution and climate change, econ - Read more...

    • Municipal Waste Management Report: Status-quo and Issues in Southeast and East Asian Countries

      This report presents and discusses the status-quo and issues of Municipal Waste in 14 countries in Southeast and East Asia. Aspects of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) included herein are generation and composition, policies and regulations, economic instruments, current practices of MSW and other management strategies. The report also presents some propositions and policy recommendations in order to determine regional collective actions on the status-quo and issues regarding Municipal Waste. - Read more...

    • Annual Progress Report 2010 - A brief look at the activities and achievements of the Adaptation Knowledge Platform in the year gone by

      The mission of the Adaptation Knowledge Platform is to mainstream climate adaptation into development planning in the region as well as to ensure an effective two-way flow of information from researchers on ways to cope with changing climate to policy makers, and to communities who are battling the changes on the ground. The Adaptation Knowledge Platform is entering its third year since inception. The pinnacle of the year was the 2-day Asia Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Forum, held in Octobe - Read more...

    • Rural women, gender, and climate change

      Cambodia is considered one of the most disaster prone countries in South East Asia due to a lack of adaptive capacity in addressing climate related hazards. Hazards such as floods and drought are often cited as the country’s main climate risks, but the country’s vulnerabilities to climate change go well beyond these cyclic events. The climate challenge for Cambodia is dealing with persistent poverty, social and economic marginalization, and gender inequalities that exacerbate climate change imp - Read more...

    • Policy Brief: Climate change resilience in Coastal Cambodia

      Climate Change Vulnerability in the context of Cambodian coastal communities constitutes elements of exposure,sensitivity, and adaptive capacity. Exposureimpacts of climate-related hazards is limited beyond past and current conditions of wet and dry seasonal variations. However, in recent years, storms during the wet seasonare said to have intensified; during the dry season,intensified temperatures are experienced in conjunction with increased pest infestations affecting agricultural production - Read more...

    • Scoping Assessment for National Implementation in Cambodia

       To better facilitate climate change adaptation knowledge at local and national levels in Cambodia, the Regional Climate Change Adaptation Knowledge Platform, with the support of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, has commissioned this scoping study on climate change adaptation in Cambodia. As Cambodia moves through short -erm responses to climate change, it will also have to focus on knowledge needs for planned adaptation as a long-term response, e.g. developing impr - Read more...

    • Adaptation Knowledge Platform: Inception Summary Report

      The Inception report was written during the Inception Phase of the Climate Change Adaptation Knowledge Platform for Asia, between January and December 2009.The following organizations and individuals collaborated on this report: • Asian Institute of Technology-United Nations Environment Programme Regional Resource Centre for Asia and the Pacific (AIT-UNEP RRC.AP): Mahesh Pradhan, Satya Priya, Roopa Rakshit, Lekha Ratnayake, Hiromi Inagaki, • Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI): John Soussan, L - Read more...

    • Proceeding Report - Asia Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Forum 2010: Mainstreaming Adaptation into Developing Planning

      The Adaptation Forum 2010 approached the theme "Integration of Climate Change Adaptation" through three key parallel sessions: Vertical Integration (multi-level governance by applying different approaches, including science, to policy); horizontal integration (cross-sectoral integration, marrying policies to implementation); and financing adaptation (access to adaptation funds; role of both the public & private sector in development and planning). Knowledge sharing, capacity development and fina - Read more...

    • Scoping Assessment of Climate Change Adaptation in Bangladesh

      To better facilitate climate change adaptation knowledge at local and national levels in Bangladesh, the Regional Climate Change Adaptation Knowledge Platform, through the support of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, has commissioned this scoping study on climate change adaptation in Bangladesh. here is a need for more theoretical and research-oriented work in the adaptation sector in Bangladesh. t is critical for Bangladesh at this point to build its human, technological - Read more...

    • Scoping Assessment for National Implementation in Cambodia (Khmer Version)

      To better facilitate climate change adaptation knowledge at local and national levels in Cambodia, the Regional Climate Change Adaptation Knowledge Platform, with the support of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, has commissioned this scoping study on climate change adaptation in Cambodia. As Cambodia moves through short -erm responses to climate change, it will also have to focus on knowledge needs for planned adaptation as a long-term response, e.g. developing improved c - Read more...

    • Scoping Assessment on Climate Change Knowledge Platform in Nepal

      The scoping report gives an insight into the institutional landscape, policies, laws and regulations. It also looks at exploring the knowledge-policy interface in the context of climate change adaptation and also the utilization of knowledge for policy change. Developing countries such as Nepal require basic capacity-building in research skills at all levels of government and within all educational establishments. There is a need to educate the staff of government departments so that they can i - Read more...

    • Adaptation Strategies for Water and Agricultural Sectors in Southeast Asia

      The phenomena of climate change will impact 8 of the ASEAN member countries, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, and Cambodia. It has been estimated that in the next 40 years the number of people being impacted by this water stress shall increase by 4 to 5 times. The focus of the report has been on these countries based on a stocktaking analysis provided by the Regional Climate Change Adaptation Knowledge Platform for Asia. The purpose of the study is to illust - Read more...

    • Territorial Approach to Climate Change: Regional Workshop to raise awareness and enhance action on Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation at Sub National level

      The Territorial Approach to Climate Change (TACC) aims at reducing carbon footprint increase resilience to climate change impacts in sub-national territories in developing countries and countries with economies in transition. The main activities of this project are to raise awareness of sub-national territories worldwide and assisting in development and implementation of mitigation and adaptation plans with sub-national plans and strategies.  The Training workshop was a joint event co sponsored - Read more...

    • Scoping Assessmnt for National Implementation in Thailand

      To better facilitate climate change adaptation knowledge at local and national levels in Thailand, the Regional Climate Change Adaptation Knowledge Platform, with the support of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, has commissioned this scoping study on climate change adaptation in Thailand. The report examines existing knowledge on current climate conditions and climate projections in Thailand and their implications on different sectors such as biodiversity, water resources - Read more...

    • Training Report: Practitioners and Policy-makers' Exchange on Climate Change Adaptation in Agriculture

      The Regional Climate Change Adaptation Knowledge Platform for Asia (Adaptation Knowledge Platform) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) organized the exchange with support from the Adaptation Learning Mechanism (ALM), the European Commission/Food and Agriculture Organization (EC-FAO) Food Security Programme, and the Millenium Development Goal Achievement Fund (MDG-F). The exchange brought together a core group of researchers, practitioners and policy-makers from seven developing c - Read more...

    • Scoping Assessment on Climate Change Adaptation in Viet Nam

      To better facilitate climate change adaptation knowledge at local and national levels in Thailand, the Regional Climate Change Adaptation Knowledge Platform, with the support of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, has commissioned this scoping study on climate change adaptation in Thailand. The report examines existing knowledge on current climate conditions and climate projections in Thailand and their implications on different sectors such as biodiversity, water resources - Read more...

    • Guidelines on Education Policy for Sustainable Built Environments

      The outcome of this synthesis is a suite of learning aims, strategies and case-study curricula that can empower people to transform cities, towns and villages into eco-settlements. The framework also guides and informs the development of new educational policies that promote the capacity building for sustainable buildings and construction (SBC). - Read more...

  • 2009

    • 3R in Asia: a gap analysis in selected Asian Countries

      This report discusses the prevailing situations in managing urban municipal wastes for 15 Asian countries- Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia, China, Darussalam, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Lao, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam. The report discusses the priority areas of concern for each country according to the surveyed data and status of the 3R Technology. - Read more...

    • National 3R Strategy Development: A progress report on seven countries in Asia from 2005 to 2009

      The Programme of National 3R Strategy Development was initiated as one of the outcomes of the Ministerial Conference on the 3R Initiative held in Tokyo, Japan, in March 2005. The project was funded by the Ministry of the Environment of Japan and the Asian Development Bank (for Viet Nam only) and jointly implemented by the United Nations Centre for Regional Development (UNCRD), the United Nations Environmental Programme / Regional Resource Centre in Asia and the Pacific (AIT/UNEP RRC.AP), and the - Read more...

    • Sustainable Development Strategy (SDS) for Central Asia

      Sustainable Development Strategy for Central Asian States (SDS CA) covers Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and serves as a long-term policy planning tool. SDS indicates the goal of Central Asian States is creation to common political, economic, cultural environment to provide a basis for SD as well as conservation of the favourable environment for current and future generations of Central Asian countries. SSDS CA serves as a common strategy for creation of adequate in - Read more...

    • Sustainable Development Strategy (SDS) for South Asian Youth version “We Hold our Future”

      Sub-regional Sustainable Development Strategy for South Asia (SSDA SA Youth) document "We Hold Our Future" provides new light for the you to be a part of Sustainable Development (SD) activities in South Asia (SA) Region. TUNZA's South Asia Youth Environment Network (SAYEN) Secretariat at Centre for Environment Education (CEE), India in close cooperation with UNEP organized a number of consultations with the youth networks from Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Maldives, Pakistan and Sri Lanka to - Read more...

    • Sustainable Development Strategy (SDS) for for Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS)

      Sustainable Development Strategy for Greater Mekong Subregion (SDS GMS) is built on common and trans-boundary issues as well as existing individual strategies and policies, such as poverty reduction strategies and national environmental action plan and all other frameworks. The long term vision of GMS countries is to create more integrated, prosperous and equitable Mekong sub-region, completing national efforts to promote economic growth and reduce poverty and augmenting domestic development opp - Read more...

    • Sustainable Development Strategy (SDS) for South Asia

      Sustainable Development Strategy for South Asia (SDS SA) identifiers the common and trans-boundary goals of South Asian states to achieve SD, mainly, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, Maldives, Pakistan, Sri Lanka. The document serves as a long term policy planning tool and identifies 3 main goals, mainly: eliminating poverty and creating national security, conserving the natural resources endowments and securing economic base and strengthening institutional system. SDS SA set priorities f - Read more...


      Since the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development held in Rio de Janeiro Brazil in 1992, the People's Republic of China has embraced sustainable development as a major goal of national development. China was one of the first countries in the world to have formulated its national Agenda 21 titled “China's Agenda 21 White Paper on China's Population, Environment and Development in the 21st Century”. In 2002, sustainable development was defined as one of the four major goals for - Read more...

    • Sustinable Development Plan, Manang

      Annapurna Conservation Area (ACA) is a treasure house of wide range of biological resources, cultural heritage and diversenatural landscapes. Diversity and uniqueness have made the area as one of the most important tourist destinations in Nepal.Similarly, successful design and implementation of integrated conservation and development programme in ACA by the NationalTrust for Nature Conservation (NTNC) has made the protected area a global model of community-based conservation. Recently,Government - Read more...


      Annapurna Conservation Area (ACA) is a treasure house of wide range of biologicalresources, cultural heritage and diverse natural landscapes. Diversity and uniquenesshave made the area as one of the most important tourist destinations in Nepal.Similarly, successful design and implementation of integrated conservation anddevelopment programme in ACA by the National Trust for Nature Conservation (NTNC)has made the protected area a global model of community-based conservation.Recently, Government o - Read more...


      The National Sustainable Development Strategy (NSDS) for Myanmar has been prepared to provide a strategic long‐term framework for sustainable development. The National Commission for Environmental Affairs (NCEA) has taken a lead in developing the NSDS in consultation with concerned Line Ministries and relevant organizations. The Myanmar NSDS is formulated to meet its global commitment made at the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation in 2002. Following the request of the government, UNEP has prov - Read more...


      We are striving to improve the total quality of life of the people who lives in the Maldives and to provide unparalleled environmental quality for people who visit the Maldives for holidays and business. The high achievements fo the Maldives in reaching Millennium Development Goals show that the country is getting the basics of deveolpment right. - Read more...

  • 2008

    • Compendium of Good Practices on Prevention and Control of Air Pollution

      One of the specific objectives of Phase III for the implementation of the Malé Declaration is to provide decision support information for formulation of policies for air pollution control and prevention. Towards meeting the objective, an activity has been undertaken to prepare to a compendium of good practices in preventing and controlling air pollution that have been adopted in different countries in the world and to identify potential strategies to implement and upscale the good practices in S - Read more...

    • Malé Declaration on Control & Prevention of Air Pollution and Its Likely Transboundary Effects for South Asia - Past, Present and Future

      This report has been prepared as part of the phase III implementation of the Male' Declaration on Control and Prevention of Air Pollution and Its Likely Transboundary Effects for South Asia. The contents of the report do not necessarily reflect the views, policies or opinions of any participating country and organisation. - Read more...

    • Yunan Eivornmental Performance Assessment Report

      report on the first environmental performance assessment (EPA) conducted in Yunnan Province, PR China. The assessment covers seven environmental concerns: land degradation, threats to biodiversity, inland water pollution, inadequate waste management, forest degradation, the impact of natural disasters and climate change. - Read more...

    • Cambodia National Environmental Performance Assessment Report

      A report on the first environmental performance assessment (EPA) conducted in Cambodia.  The assessment covers six environmental concerns: forest resources, threats to biodiversity, management of fishery resources, utilization of water resources, agricultural land degradation, and climate change. - Read more...

    • Lao PDR National Environmental Performance Assessment Report

      A report on the first environmental performance assessment (EPA) conducted in Lao PDR.  The assessment covers eight environmental concerns: forest resources, water resources, fish resources, threats to biodiversity, land degradation, inadequate solid waste management, inadequate hazardous waste management, and climate change. - Read more...

    • Myanmar National Environmental Performance Assessment Report

      A report on the first environmental performance assessment (EPA) conducted in Myanmar. The assessment covers seven environmental concerns: forest resources, biodiversity, land degradation, management of water resources, waste management, air pollution from mobile sources, and climate change. - Read more...

    • Sub-regional Integrated Environment Assessment: Central Asia

      This subregional environmental performance assessment (EPA), a collaborative effort between the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Asian Development Bank (ADB), examines methodologies used to create environmental performance assessment (EPAs) for member countries in the GMS to develop national and subnational capacities for implementing EPA. - Read more...

    • Thailand National Environmental Performance Assessment Report

      A report on the first environmental performance assessment (EPA) conducted in Thailand. The assessment covers seven environmental concerns: forest resources, water resources, land degradation, inland water pollution, solid waste management, hazardous substance management, and climate change. - Read more...

    • Viet Nam National Environmental Performance Assessment Report

      A report on the environmental performance assessment (EPA) conducted in Viet Nam. The assessment covers seven environmental concerns: forest resources, land degradation, threats to coastal zones, threats to biodiversity, inland water pollution, pollution from mobile sources, and inadequate solid waste management. - Read more...

    • Atmospheric Brown Clouds: Regional Assessment Report with Focus on Asia, summary

      Atmospheric Brown Clouds: Regional Assessment Report with Focus on Asia (summary) was the first integrated assessment report on ABCs with focus on Asia. It disussed the impacts of ABCs on regional climate, water resources, precipitation, agriculture production, glacier melting, and health. It reveals that the ABCs is a global phenomenon, spread heterogeneously over several parts of the world. The ABCs with build-up of greenhouse gases (GHGs) resulting a global warming and possessing major enviro - Read more...

    • Atmospheric Brown Clouds: Regional Assessment Report with Focus on Asia (Full report)

      Atmospheric Brown Clouds: Regional Assessment Report with Focus on Asia (full Report) was the first integrated assessment report on ABCs with focus on Asia. It disussed the impacts of ABCs on regional climate, water resources, precipitation, agriculture production, glacier melting, and health. It reveals that the ABCs is a global phenomenon, spread heterogeneously over several parts of the world. The ABCs with build-up of greenhouse gases (GHGs) resulting a global warming and possessing major en - Read more...

    • Sustainable Development Implementation in Vietnam

      Every human being wishes that he and the members of his community can livein a good, healthy and happy environment and the quality of life continues tobe improved. To obtain this target, humans have striven toward development.There are various ways of development. Acommon feature among these isthe harmonious consideration of demographic, economic, social, naturalresources, and environmental issues. This ensures that development progressin the short term will not compromise long-term development - Read more...

    • Strategic Framework for National Sustainable Development Strategy For Lao PDR

      The Strategic Framework for National Sustainable Development Strategy for Lao PDR was prepared as part of the process of developing a national Sustaniable Development Strategy for the country. - Read more...


      The Ministry of Nature and the Environment acknowledge the national team for the valuable inputs made by many individuals and institutions to the preparation of the assessment of the National Sustainable Development Strategy of Mongolia and the sustainable development media kit. - Read more...

  • 2007

    • Youth for Clean Air

      This report, Youth for Clean Air identifies the sources and impacts of air pollution, and presents practical measures that can be undertaken to reduce atmospheric emissions at various levels of society emcompassing individual efforts, collective efforts, government efforts, regional efforts, as well as global efforts. - Read more...

    • Sub-regional Integrated Environment Assessment - Central Asia

      Integrated assessment of the state of environment in Central Asian Sub-region has been prepared by the Scientific-Information Center of the Interstate Sustainable Development Commission Commission – ISDC IFAS in Turkmenistan and its branch offices in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. - Read more...

    • Greater Mekong Environment Outlook

      The Greater Mekong Environment Outlook provides an overview of the main environmental trends over the past two decades, and how social, economic and other factors have contributed to the changes that have occurred. It assesses the scope and effectiveness of national and regional policay responses, and identifies some of the main option for future action. - Read more...

    • Kathmandu Valley Environment Outlook

      The present publication provides a detailed account of the status of the Kathmandu Valley environment. The reporthighlights the five key environmental issues of air quality, settlement, drinking water, waste management, and naturaldisaster preparedness, reviews their status, and recommends measures to prevent or minimise the negative impacts.The report provides direct options for management by various levels of government, civil society, the public-privatesector and residents. These include impr - Read more...

    • Shenzhen Environment Outlook

      The Shenzhen Environment Outlook report is one of the outputs of UNEP’s capacity building programme. The report identifies key environmental issues for Shenzhen City, notably air quality, land and water resources. These issues have been analyzed by various stakeholders, including scientists, academics,government officials and civil society representatives, to determine their policy making implications. This broad-based participatory process brings environmental issues to the attention of differe - Read more...


      The Department of Environment, the Ministry of Environment and Forests of Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh has prepared the National Sustainable Development Strategy (NSDS) for Bangladesh. The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Bangkok has provided financial and technical support. The formulation process has incorporated consultative and participatory approaches which have begun through a two-day inception cum training workshop in Dhaka in 2007. The guideline used for - Read more...


      The development efforts of successive governments during the last several decades have led to growth in per capita incomes, increase in standard of living of the people and decrease in overall poverty levels. However, Sri Lanka faces a host of environmental problems such as land degradation, pollution and poor management of water resources, loss of biological diversity, coastal erosion, increasing scarcity of water for agriculture, waste disposal in urban areas, and traffic congestion in the mai - Read more...

  • 2006

    • Eco Housing - Guidelines for Tropical Regions

      The building and construction sector is a major source of environmental degradation. Its geographical spread, rapid growth rate and the long lives of the structures being built, leads to widespread impacts affecting several generations. This makes this sector a hot spot requiring careful analysis and benign intervention. The dynamics of current socio-economic systems ensure that the sector will continue to grow at a rapid rate. The development pathways of most Asian countries are symptomatic of - Read more...


      The main objective of the Royal Kingdom of Cambodia NSDS (National Sustainable Development Strategy) is to systematically develop the country in an integrated, planned and holistic manner. The Royal Kingdom of Cambodia‘s NSDS has successfully integrated all four pillars of sustainable development, which are environmental, economic, social and cultural spectrum. Better understanding of the dynamics of these four pillars and effectively integrating these into the development process will always he - Read more...


      This work was prepared by Public Association “The Network of Experts for Sustainable Development of the Central Asia” and it is based on the Concept of Transition of the Republic of Kazakhstan to sustainable Development for the years 2007 – 2024” on the request of the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Kazakhstan and with support of United Nations Environmental Program and United Nations Development Program. - Read more...

  • 2004

    • Environmental Indicators, Central Asia

      Indicators can be defined as statistics, measures or parameters that can be used to track changes of the environmental and socio-economic conditions. Indicators are developed in synthesizing and transforming scientific and technical data into fruitful information. It can provide a sound base for decision-makers to take a policy decision on present as well as potential future issues of local, national, regional and global concerns. It can be used to assess, monitor and forecast parameters of conc - Read more...

    • Environmental Indicators, North East Asia

      UNEP-RRCAP has produced the Environmental Indicators report for each sub-region of Asia and Pacific. We have painstakingly researched and collected data for a list of key environmental indicators. These indicators, which are replicated across each subregion, were chosen after serious deliberation by our inhouse experts, to best reflect the environmental concerns in and across the sub-regions. The indicators can be subdivided in to the following categories: 1. Social 2. Economy 3. Environment. Th - Read more...

    • Environmental Indicators, South Asia

      UNEP-RRCAP has produced the Environmental Indicators report for each sub-region of Asia and Pacific. We have painstakingly researched and collected data for a list of key environmental indicators. These indicators, which are replicated across each subregion, were chosen after serious deliberation by our inhouse experts, to best reflect the environmental concerns in and across the sub-regions. The indicators can be subdivided in to the following categories: 1. Social 2. Economy 3. Environment. Th - Read more...

    • Environmental Indicators, South East Asia

      Indicators can be defined as statistics, measures or parameters that can be used to track changes of the environmental and socio-economic conditions. Indicators are developed in synthesizing and transforming scientific and technical data into fruitful information. It can provide a sound base for decision-makers to take a policy decision on present as well as potential future issues of local, national, regional and global concerns. It can be used to assess, monitor and forecast parameters of conc - Read more...

    • Environmental Indicators, South Pacific

      UNEP-RRCAP has produced the Environmental Indicators report for each sub-region of Asia and Pacific. We have painstakingly researched and collected data for a list of key environmental indicators. These indicators, which are replicated across each subregion, were chosen after serious deliberation by our inhouse experts, to best reflect the environmental concerns in and across the sub-regions. The indicators can be subdivided in to the following categories: 1. Social 2. Economy 3. Environment. Th - Read more...

    • Sustainable Development Priorities for Central Asia

      The paper was presented (with an active input from respective members of Civil Society Organizations (CSO)) at the UNEP Asia-Pacific Civil Society meeting during 12-13 November 2003 in Bangkok, Thailand, and at the working session of ICSD during 24-25 February 2004 in Dushambe, Tajikistan. The paper was also intended to be presented at the fifth Global Civil Society Forum (GCSF) and Global Ministerial Environment Forum (GMEF) in the Republic of Korea in March 2004. One of the priority paper spec - Read more...

    • Sustainable Development Priorities for Northeast Asia

      Countries in the Northeast Asian subregion have made significant efforts to shift theirdevelopment patterns to being more sustainable, but a number of challenges still remain. Perhaps the most basic challenge for each country in the subregion is the development of a further concrete and integrated national sustainable development strategy (NSDS) addressing challenges mentioned above. Elaboration of truly integrated sustainable development strategies based on comprehensive ecological viewpoints t - Read more...

    • Sustainable Development Priorities for South Asia

      As an input to the WSSD, a South Asian Strategy Paper was prepared. It had drawn heavily upon learning’s and conclusions from a number of earlier documents prepared for the region. It also had inputs from a group of ‘wise persons’ in the region, multilateral institutions and a series of consultations with governments and civil society. This document is a logical follow-up to the earlier Strategy Paper. - Read more...

    • Sustainable Development Priorities for Southeast Asia

      The collective and individual work agenda facing the Southeast Asian countries in the years ahead is a heavy one, necessitating collaboration, cooperation and counterparting among governments, civil society, business and the international development institutions. Southeast Asia has made strong headway in fostering and effectively harnessing such partnerships for sustainable development. Still, the scope for further widening and deepening such partnerships in Southeast Asia remains large. ASEAN - Read more...

    • Sustainable Development Priorities for South Pacific

      Priorities for sustainable development have been discussed and identified by the Pacific at national, regional and international levels. This paper does not revisit or redefine these but focuses on how to support implementation of the many priorities and recommendations that already exist. This draws heavily on existing information prepared recently by PIFS, SPREP and the ADB. It is clear that priority environmental concerns of the past decade have now been placed within a broader sustainable de - Read more...

  • 2003

    • State of Environment Report, Bangkok 2003

      The Bangkok City State of the Environment 2001 is the first city based SoE in Thailand and has been jointly preparedby Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) and UNEP. BMA has played a very crucial role in carrying out the assess-ment by soliciting input from several government departments, agencies, and institutions. While addressing the keyenvironmental problems in Bangkok City, the report aims to drive appropriate policy setting, environmental action plan-ning, and resource allocation.Five - Read more...

    • State of Envrionment report, Korea DPRK

      The present report is the first SoE report of DPR Korea. The report covers the five priority issues pertainingto environment: forests, water, air, land, and biodiversity. The issues were identified in consultation withMinistry of Land and Environment (MLEP) and analysed following the Pressure-State-Impact-ResponseFramework.The National Coordinating Council for Environment (NCCE) was the National Focal Point responsible foroverall implementation of the project, where as MLEP was the Implementing - Read more...

  • 2002

    • State of Environment report : The Youth Version

      Children of the Monsoon, a youth version of South Asia SoE report, explains about the current environmental problems focusing on South Asian region and provide suggestions to develop action plan to protect our planet. Apart from other environmental problems, water related issues such as floods, drought, water pollution, water logging and salinity and its impact on the human health and environment has been discussed. Finally, it offers suggestions to develop youth action plans for conservation an - Read more...

    • State of Environment report, Maldives

      Even though the Maldives contributes less than 0.01% to global emission of GHGs, the Maldives is in fact one ofthe most vulnerable countries to climate change and sea level rise. The seven main areas of vulnerability to climatechange observed are land loss and beach erosion, infrastructure damage, damage to coral reefs, impact on theeconomy, food security, water resources, and human health. Local air pollution in Malé, has become a growingconcern, but the air quality of the Maldives is mainly af - Read more...

    • State of the Environment report, Mongolia

      The five key environmental issues identified for Mongolia are: (1) land degradation, (2) desertification, (3) deforestation,(4) loss of biodiversity, and (5) urban air pollution. Mining industry, livestock overgrazing, and various naturalcauses have led to significant land degradation in the country. Similarly, climatic variations, overgrazing, forestclearance, burning of vegetation mass, and vehicular operations have contributed significantly to the desertificationproblem. Forests resources hav - Read more...

    • The Asian Brown Cloud: Climate and Other Environmental Impacts

      The Asian Brown Cloud: Climate and Other Environmental Impacts is the first comprehensive study of the South Asian haze and its impact on climate. It is largely based on the studies of the Indian Ocean Experiment (INDOEX). It provides a holistic view of the large brownish haze layer and its impact on the radiative heating of the atmosphere and the surface for South Asia and the adjacent Indian Ocean. It also discusses preliminary findings with respect to the impact of this haze on regional tempe - Read more...

    • Report on Data Collection Status, Processing Capabilities, and Capacity Building Needs in the GMS Countries and Capacity Building Plan

      disciplines and design objectives. Environment friendly site planning, appropriate choices of materials and products, sustainable use of energy and water, provision of clean water, indoor environment quality and sanitation, waste water and solid waste management, and proper operation and maintenance, are key areas of application of the concept. This calls for an effective inter-disciplinary team with good project management skills. Integrated design and project management software’s could help i - Read more...

    • Asia-Pacific Envrionment Outlook 2

      UNEP hopes that the Asia-Pacific Environment Outlook 2 would be a useful document for government, nongovernment, private, regional and international organizations in the pursuit of developing policies, strategies and action plans. UNEP gratefully acknowledge the contribution of institutes and individuals in the preparation of the report, in particular the valuable support and input provided by the Collaborating Centres. - Read more...

  • 2001

    • State of the Environment report, Lao PDR

      This Sate of Environment Report gives an overview on the general and most prominent environmental features of the Lao PDR. It points out environment problems requiring attention and possible methods to solve them. The report will be used as a basic tool for socio-economic development planning as weel as for environmental protection. We aslo hope that this report will contribute to the Global Envrionment report. - Read more...

    • State of the Environment report, Sri Lanka

      This SoE Report highlights five key environmental issues in Sri Lanka viz: Land Degradation by Soil Erosion,Waste Disposal, Water Pollution, Loss of Biodiversity, and Depletion of Coastal Resources. It also addressedother less crucial issues, which needs to be addresses at latter stages. In this regard the SoE Reporting can beconsidered as an effective tool that will assist or enhance the Implementation of NEAP. It can also be effective inproviding guidance to the donor community on the areas an - Read more...

    • State of the Environment report, South Asia

      This sub-regional State of the Environment (SoE) Report is the first of such assessment resulted from the aboveprocess focusing on South Asian region (Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Iran, Maldives, Nepal and Sri Lanka). Thereport was prepared through a consultative and participatory process soliciting input from various governmentagencies, NGOs, and intergovernmental organizations. With the substantive support from Development Alterna-tives (DA), the designated regional Collaborating Center, and reg - Read more...

    • State of Environment Report, Bangkok 2001

      The Bangkok City State of the Environment 2001 is the first city based SoE in Thailand and has been jointly preparedby Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) and UNEP. BMA has played a very crucial role in carrying out the assess-ment by soliciting input from several government departments, agencies, and institutions. While addressing the keyenvironmental problems in Bangkok City, the report aims to drive appropriate policy setting, environmental action plan-ning, and resource allocation.Five - Read more...

    • State of the Environment report, Bangladesh

      This SoE assessment for Bangladesh provides a sound basis for the development of action plans, the next stage of the planning process, as we enter the new millenium. The report aims to provide concrete guidance for action planning, policy setting and resource allocation for the coming decades to improve the state of the environment of Bangladesh and the welfare of her people. - Read more...

    • State of the Environment report, Bhutan

      This National State of the Environment (SoE) Report of Bhutan is the one of seven nationalreports from the above process, focusing on two Asia-Pacific subregions, namely South Asia(Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal and Sri Lanka) and the Greater Mekong (Lao PDRand Vietnam) Subregions. The National Environment Commission (NEC) of the RoyalGovernment of Bhutan, which is the national implementing agency, has played a very crucialrole in carrying out this participatory assessment process in solici - Read more...

    • State of the Environment report, India

      The five key environmental issues identified for India are (1) land degradation, (2) biodiversity,(3) air pollution with special reference to vehicular pollution in cities, (4) management of freshwater resources, and (5) hazardous waste management with special reference to municipalsolid waste management. Land degradation is taking place through natural and man-madeprocess resulting to loss of invaluable nutrients and lower food grain production. Loss ofbiodiversity is of great concern since man - Read more...

    • State of the Environment report, Nepal

      Nepal is the land of many rivers and lakes. There is a growing demand on water resources due to growth of population, expansion of irrigation facilities, tourism, urbanization and industries. Surface water and groundwater resources have deteriorated in Kathmandu valley and other major urban centers. Although electricity consumption has increased tremendously in the past fifteen years, less than 1 % of total hydropower potential has been generated so far. - Read more...

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