​​Capacity Development Program on Air Quality Management and Emission Reduction of PM2.5 for Member Countries of ASEAN Haze Agreement and Malé Declaration

19-23 September 2022
AIT Conference Center, Thailand​


Countries’ nominated participants are encouraged to send their registration to  capacity.building@rrcap.ait.ac.th (copy to verma@rrcap.ait.ac.th) with the following details and a subject line: “Name (country): registration for AQM 2022 workshop at AIT”.

  1. Name:
  2. Highest Qualification:
  3. Designation:
  4. Organization:
  5. Address:
  6. Country:
  7. Tel. No:
  8. Mobile No.:
  9. Messaging App and No.:
  10. Email:

More information about the workshop will soon be available on RRC.AP website. The deadline for registration is 31 August 2022. The final Agenda of the training workshop and reading materials will be provided to the registered participants.​

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