βThe Twenty-fourth Session of the Intergovernmental Meeting (IG24) on the Acid Deposition Monitoring Network in East Asia (EANET)
24-25 November 2022
Manila, Philippines
The Twenty-fourth Session of the Intergovernmental Meeting (IG24) of the Acid Deposition Monitoring Network in East Asia (EANET) was organised during 24-25 November 2022 (hybrid mode) in Manila, Philippines, to make important decisions on the implementation of its expansion of scope and newly established Project Fund, and other relevant matters. The meeting gathered over 70 representatives of the EANET participating countries, namely, Cambodia, China, Japan, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Philippines, Republic of Korea, Russia, Thailand, and Vietnam, the Secretariat, and the Network Center for the EANET.
Following the decision of the previous Intergovernmental Meeting (IG23) in November 2020, the EANET countries have been working relentlessly on the process to expand the scope of the EANET including the newly established Project Fund. The proceedings of the IG24 included consideration of the progress of the EANET since IG23, outcomes of the Working Group Meeting, outcomes of the SAC22, revision of the process of administrative and financial guidelines, re-organization of the Task Forces, and work program, project plans and budget in 2023. The AIT RRC.AP actively participated and greatly supported in the organisation of the EANET IG24 Meeting.
More information is available on the EANET website.β