In the Second Intergovernmental meeting, held in March 2000, the Phase I output in terms of the studies as well as the sub-regional plans were reviewed and adopted. The IG2 also agreed that national and sub-regional stakholders' meetings would be held to disseminate the results of the Malé Declaration's implementation. The NIAs were to be guided in the implementation by stakeholders drawn from various sectors such as academia, civil society, industry, youth groups, etc.
The Phase I, final workshop was held in Kathmandu during 01-03 March 2000. The participants at this workshop included representatives from the Ministries of Environment and National Implementing Agencies (NIA) of the eight South Asian countries, ICIMOD, South Asia Cooperative Environment Program (SACEP), Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), United Nation Environment Programme (UNEP), ADB, SIDA, United Nation Development Programme (UNDP), TERI and an independent regional advisor.
The main aims of the workshop were to: review the baseline studies prepared by the national implementing; review the national Malé Declaration action plan prepared by the national implementing agencies; provide input to the preparation of sub-regional Malé Declaration action plan; develop and agree on an implementation plan for the phase II; and improve the information exchange on air pollution between the countries in the region. The meeting reviewed the phase I objectives and the baseline studies and national action plans prepared by the National Implementing Agencies. The meeting also prepared a work plan for the phase II implementation.