A Training workshop on "Health Impacts of Air Pollution" under the Malé
Declaration Project was held by UNEP RRC.AP at the Asian Institute of
Technology Conference Center (AITCC), Thailand from 15 to 18 October,
2007 as a follow-up to the first workshop held in February 2007.
Representing eight countries, thirteen participants from government
agencies dealing with environment and health issues attended. The
workshop was led by Prof. Frank Murray of Murdoch University,
Dr.Dieter Schwela of the Stockholm Environment Institute, York and Dr.
Sarath Guttikunda, New Delhi. The progress of the study on "Assessment
of impact of air pollution among school children in selected schools
of Dhaka city in Bangladesh" was presented during the training. Health
Impacts assessment was one of the priority areas identified for
capacity building under Phase III implementation of the Malé
Declaration on Control and Prevention of Air Pollution and Its Likely
Transboundary Effects for South Asia.