A training workshop on emission inventory preparation, scenarios
generation, and atmospheric transport modeling, and integrated
information and assessment modeling (IIAM) was conducted from 3 to 8
July, 2006 at UNEP Regional Resource Centre for Asia and the Pacific
(RRCAP), Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Bangkok, Thailand, under
the framework of Program "Malé Declaration on Control and Prevention of
Air Pollution and Its Likely Transboundary Effects for South Asia.
training workshop was aimed at capacity building in eight Malé
Declaration countries for studying the air pollution issues,
especially trans-boundary transport of air pollutants, its potential
impacts, and consequently enabling them to design science-based,
integrated policy options to mitigate the adverse effects of air
pollution. There were twenty-seven participants in this first workshop
from 8 Malé Declaration countries (Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Iran,
Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka) and from other collaborating
institutions; SEI, IIIEE, SMHI, UNEP RRC.AP.