Capacity Development Program on Air Quality Management and Emission Reduction of PM2.5 for Asian Countries
13-17 September 2021, Online
Prof. Sachchida Nand Tripathi
Prof. Sachchida Nand Tripathi is a Senior Professor and Head of Department of Civil Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kanpur, India. He also holds Arjun Dev Joneja Chair in Civil Engineering. He is the recipient of Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Award and the J C Bose National Fellowship. He is an elected fellow of the Indian National Science Academy, Indian National Academy of Engineering and National Academy of Sciences. He was a Senior Fellow at NASA Goddard Space Flight Centre. Professor Tripathi is also on the editorial board of Environmental Science and Technology Letters, Journal of Aerosol Science and Environmental Science: Atmospheres. He has made impactful contribution to address challenges of Air Pollution and Climate Change. Prof Tripathi has built an indigenously low-cost sensor-based network for nation-wide urban air quality monitoring and real time source apportionment. He is also a Coordinator of the National Knowledge Network, formed under the National Clean Air Mission formed under the National Clean Air Program. For more please visit his website