Regional Resource Centre for the Asia and the Pacific

Events and Updates

The Clean Air Week Events

19-Mar-2018- 19-Mar-2018
Bangkok, Thailand

​RRC.AP's Air and Atmospheric Pollution Cluster had joined in various events during the 2018 Clean Air Week (19-23 March 2018), organized by the UN Environment at the United Nations Conference Center (UNCC) in Bangkok, Thailand. On 20 March 2018, the "Workshop on Cleaner Fuels and Vehicles in Asia" was organized by the UN Environment Headquarter, Nairobi, Kenya. RRC.AP participated and assisted in the organization of the workshop which aimed at sharing experiences in adopting and developing stricter vehicle emission standards and fuel quality. On 21-22 March 2018, the "Asia Pacific Clean Air Partnership Joint Forum" was held where RRC.AP's Deputy Director, Dr. Jonathan Shaw, served as a panelist on Session 7: Working Together Against Air Pollution – Partnerships and Cooperation. He presented the Malé Declaration on Control and Prevention of Air Pollution and its likely Transboundary Effects for South Asia (Malé Declaration), on behalf of the Secretariat for Malé Declaration (RRC.AP). The Joint Forum was organized as part of the week-long programme under the theme 'Solutions Landscape for Clean Air'. Representatives from regional networks and organizations discussed the contribution and role of regional organizations towards improving air quality in the Asia-Pacific region.

On 23 March 2018, the Science and Policy Dialogue on the Acid Deposition Monitoring Network in East Asia (EANET) was held at the margins of the Clean Air Week. Presentations on policy actions to tackle recent acid deposition and air pollution issues including ozone and particulate matter by each participating country of EANET was one of the highlights of this event.

Created at 8/29/2019 10:01 PM by System Account
Last modified at 8/29/2019 10:01 PM by System Account