Regional Resource Centre for the Asia and the Pacific



42 Pages

disciplines and design objectives. Environment friendly site planning, appropriate choices of materials and products, sustainable use of energy and water, provision of clean water, indoor environment quality and sanitation, waste water and solid waste management, and proper operation and maintenance, are key areas of application of the concept. This calls for an effective inter-disciplinary team with good project management skills. Integrated design and project management software’s could help in this process. Eco-housing has caught the attention of decision makers in Asia, but a lack of real examples has prevented its adoption on a larger scale. To meet this need, UNEP and UN-HABITAT joined hands in 2004, to promote and demonstrate ecohousing as a key preventive measure in the Asia-Pacific region. They facilitated the establishment of a Regional Expert Group on eco-housing, which recommended that the concept be taken forward through a project addressing four key areas: knowledge building, educational initiatives, networking and demonstration projects. Design Guidelines were prepared to facilitate the demonstration projects and for dissemination. This publication is a compilation of these guidelines and the experience in implementing it. The guidelines are expected to build awareness and capacity in the Asia Pacific region. It also would challenge practitioners to take up more ambitious targets. Apart from the guidelines, this publication also introduces the readers to key concepts, technologies and other useful resources.

Version: 13.0
Created at 5/20/2015 8:56 PM by Sengja Jangmaw
Last modified at 7/18/2022 11:58 PM by System Account