A decade ago UNEP grew increasingly concerned about the impacts of atmospheric haze and launched a programme called Atmospheric Brown Cloud (ABC) in 2001. Successful efforts of the ABC team developed deeper understanding about the sources and effects of haze and black carbon. Over time, UNEP and others realized that knowledge generated through such programmes ultimately needed to be translated into action to mitigate black carbon emissions. Since the sources of most black carbon emissions are tied to three major sectors i.e. industrial, residential and transport, its mitigation necessitates interaction with local stakeholders and leadership on the part of community stakeholders. In order to help identify unrealized opportunities for action to mitigate BC emissions in South Asia, EPA’s Office of International and Tribal Affairs, the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), and UNEP co-hosted a consultation which brought together government representatives, local officials and especially, local and regional NGOs, practitioners and leaders, to discuss activities that could be enhanced, as well as low cost, low tech, yet significant actions that could yet be taken to reduce BC emissions locally and regionally. The emphasis of the consultation was on the use or deployment of low tech innovations coupled with operational behavior changes, that alone or together could bring about considerable reductions in BC emissions at low cost. The consultation was held in Kathmandu, Nepal during 21-23 March 2011.