Regional Resource Centre for the Asia and the Pacific

Events and Updates

Endorsement of 'The White Paper: The Next Wave' at the APEC Annual Minister's Meeting

17-Nov-2016- 18-Nov-2016
Lima, Peru

RRC.AP successfully completed Trash Free Seas Alliance funded - Ocean Conservancy Project on breaking the barriers for waste management in Indonesia, Philippines, and Vietnam. The project team consisted of Ocean Conservancy, AIT RRC.AP, Closed Loop Fund, Encourage Capital, Plastic for Change, and Waste2Resources. AIT RRC.AP was responsible for the assessment of national and sub-national policies, plans and programs on waste management and formulate policy recommendations for breaking the barriers to waste management. Other partners were engaged in developing volumetric and financing model to test vertically integrated waste system scenarios. In the leadership of Ocean Conservancy, the diverse project team was successful in drafting a White Paper titled "The Next Wave: Investment Strategies for Plastic Free Seas."

One of the highlights of the White Paper was the nine Policy and Practice Recommendations to invite (and de-risk) responsible waste investment, which was presented at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) high level meeting 'Overcoming Barriers to Financing Waste Management Systems in Emerging Asia-Pacific Economies' on 28-29 September 2016, Tokyo, Japan.

Following the success of the APEC Financing Summit in Tokyo, a set of recommendations in the APEC Annual Report to Ministers 2016 was endorsed by the Committee on Trade and Investment (CTI) on 17-18 November 2016 at the APEC Annual Minister's Meeting held in Lima, Peru. RRC.AP was an instrumental part of developing these policy and practices recommendations.

Created at 2/1/2017 4:37 PM by System Account
Last modified at 2/1/2017 4:37 PM by System Account